Ali, age 27

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I first started spinning with Britt back in 2016 when I was fresh out of college. I had fallen out of my workout routine and was looking for a new way to get moving. I was instantly hooked with Britt’s fast paced classes and found a new love for working out. Britt’s amazing playlists, fun choreography, and personal motivation kept me coming back each week. I had gotten back into the swing of things and was feeling great!  In the summer of 2019, I broke my ankle and had to have some pretty major surgery putting me out of commission for about 9 months. I was feeling defeated both physically and mentally. In February of 2020 I was finally cleared to hop back on the bike and start building my strength back one pedal at a time. Britt welcomed me back with open arms and made me feel comfortable taking things at my own pace, while also challenging me to keep pushing myself.

Shortly after my return, the pandemic hit, the world shut down, and my spinning “comeback” was very short lived. When I found out that Britt was teaching virtual spin and body classes, I went out and got the first bike I could get my hands on and began my spinning journey again- this time from my living room! Britt continues to bring the best music, choreography, and enthusiasm to class each day and still gives the feel of being in a studio, but with the convenience of having her classes accessible with the click of a button.

Throughout this crazy year of hybrid teaching and adjusting to the “new normal,” I have found peace and normalcy in these workouts each day, and am feeling stronger than ever. (I’ve even found myself waking up earlier than normal just to make the live 6am workouts!) So thankful for Britt and this community💛”

Alicia, age 37

📍Mechanicville, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since November 2020

“When I decided to treat myself to a spin bike, Britt was there to answer all the questions that I had.  After I decided on a bike I signed up for a free month promotion that she was offering.  Little did I know that it would be one of the most life changing experiences.  I grew up playing sports in elementary, middle school, high school, and college.  I loved being a part of a team and having a coach and teammates to push me.  Fast forward to married life with two kids and a teaching career — I would try to exercise on my own but I really had a hard time doing a workout by myself.  When I found Britt and her online community I had no idea how much I would LOVE it.  I have a coach that calls me out, answers questions, and gives shoutouts during live classes.  I have a community and a squad that is there to help hold me accountable.  I now plan out my workouts for the week and enjoy the "me” time first thing in the morning while the whole house is still sleeping.  I am coming up on my 100th class!  I haven't felt more committed to my health and personal well-being in a long time.  Britt makes the classes so much fun.  From her singing, to her stories, and jokes; all classes go by super-fast.  

Her commitment to motivating each of her students is one of the best things about her classes.  She makes each participant feel as though they are a part of her team and she helps to hold each of us accountable.  I feel that Britt is personally responsible for my new commitment to my health and fitness.”

Alyssa, age 36

📍Rensselaer, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since May 2021

“As a mom of two littles, life, my body, and where I prioritize myself, has certainly changed for some years now. A little over a year ago I started a health journey and haven’t looked back. This was honestly kicked into high gear by being sick of my child innocently making comments about my big belly (little bully lol), and a pandemic. Out of the mouths of babes! It was something I had control over in a time of little control. It started with balance in food choices, being intentionally physically active with the kids, dance parties, and intermittently exercising. I’m happy to say that in a little over a year I am down give or take 68 lbs (depending on my margarita intake 😉).  While figuring out exercising on my own, I started noticing my friends' exercise posts. It slowly embedded the idea to get more serious about this exercise business. To get more serious about myself. These ladies had AMAZING results. Sleek and slim. All the right junk in all the right places. Low and behold they were using the same lady! Britt Deitz! Small world. I was curious, and a little scared. When asked they both said “Do it!,” “You’re going to die but it’s great,” “It’s like crack.” What is this wizardry? So a few months ago I tried it. I jumped right in feet first. I’ve totally drunk the koolaid. So thank you Ashley and Lauren!

The program kicks your butt and hurts so good, all in the best ways. Britt keeps it high energy, doable, fun, and with great music. I’m here for the playlists. Britt also keeps it real. I’m big on authenticity. There is no shame in her game. She is in amazing shape and if she is struggling and pushing through and sweating, then it’s okay that I am too. We are all in this together. It’s like a little club. It makes me feel accomplished, energized, and good about me. I truly like and love myself no matter what size and shape I have been in life. I just have felt like I have been in someone else’s skin for a while until now. I’ve become reacquainted with myself. The old gal was still in there. In doing the program I am amazed at how much stronger I have gotten in such a short period of time. Like I need to buy heavier weights. I want to be as physically strong as I am mentally and emotionally. So here I come. I also quickly noticed changes in my body and how clothes look on me. I’m rockin a two piece. I have gotten so much positive feedback from others in my life since I have joined the program. Even people I see passing in a hallway. Who doesn’t love a good compliment? The world needs all the positivity. If I’m going to incorporate something in my life then it also needs to be doable and I need to get a lot of bang for my buck so to speak. This fits the bill on both accounts. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that If I can’t do the live virtual then I can do the videos where it fits in my day. Or I can stop and start the video recordings if the kids are bananas. I love that most days it is 20-30 minutes. Wham bam thank you ma’am. I’ve got that time to give. And Britt always has modifications and alternative exercises to make it doable for all. It is not monotonous and it is not boring. You are busy, moving, it’s always different...and you are entertained! The icing on the cake is that It has been such a great example and modeling to my littles. So thank you Britt.”

Amanda, age 32

📍Ballston Spa, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I’ve been spinning with Britt for six years, and she has been inspiring me the entire time!  When I was a newbie spinner, her classes terrified me but I knew she would push me to be better.  Over the months (and years) I got stronger both mentally and physically because of her fierce and encouraging instructor style.  I lost some pounds and gained some muscle (and a bunch of new fitness friends).  I’ve spun with Brittaney on my birthday, her birthday, Christmas Eve, New Years Eve, and probably every other holiday.  She makes the workouts fun and always has a surprise up her sleeve 😉💫

Last March when everything shut down I felt panicked.  What in the world would I do without her classes?  She graciously started doing free virtual classes which bloomed into this incredible business she’s created.  She’s also created a community of badass, dedicated, supportive and inspiring women and men who will make you feel so welcomed.  If you have been thinking about taking your first class with her, this is your sign!  Book the class!!  You won’t regret it.”

Amy, age 34

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I met Britt while scoring NYS ELA exams (maybe 6 years ago) and meeting her made the whole process so much more enjoyable. I felt lucky to have made a new friend. She seemed like someone that genuinely cared about getting to know me, and that hasn’t changed one bit. I think that’s one of the best parts about joining her fitness community. She truly cares about each person in this group! 

I am a mom of a toddler, have had three knee surgeries, and struggled to find the time and motivation to workout. I used to love running and playing sports, but my body just can’t handle them anymore. I also never liked having to leave my house to go to the gym, especially in the winter time and during a busy work week. Britt’s body classes, 30 min spin classes, recordings, new playlists, and her energy have been amazing to solve all of my problems. I bought a spin bike because my coworkers were raving about her spin classes and I’m so happy I did. I definitely find spinning easier on my knees and feet than running! Britt’s classes have motivated me to workout 5 times a week. I usually use the recordings and try to workout alone without my child around because he tends to just make me trip (maybe soon he will be better 🤪) but I love how Britt finds a way to even include the kiddos by giving them shout outs and encouragement if they join during the live class. I often feel like I’m in a live class and dance and sing along with her. She’s the best! I highly recommend giving her classes a try! Britt, thanks for all that you do!”

Andrea, age 55

📍Ballston Lake, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“As I celebrate my 55th birthday on July 19th, the first word that comes to my mind is thankful. I am blessed to say that I am an Ovarian Cancer survivor of fifteen years!  I honestly have always made eating healthy, exercising and keeping a positive attitude part of my daily goals.  When I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in 2007, my goals became even more clear.   I made sure to eat organic, cross train to challenge myself, keep positive people in my life and meditate.  I believe that all of these choices would help me live a long and healthy life. 

Prior to being diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, I had gone through years of infertility. So I always felt it was challenging to keep a healthy weight, even though I exercised and ate healthy.  The imbalance of hormones was definitely very stressful to me.  I am someone who always saw the good in difficult situations, so I focused on what I could do....that was exercise, staying positive and eating healthy.  

I always enjoyed running, yoga and weight training.  When I started spin classes I immediately fell in love with the workout and liked that it was less stress on my body than running. 

I met Brittaney in 2012, I always looked forward to her amazing classes, great music and positive energy.  She had a way of always making me feel so special from the first day I met her.  Her classes quickly became full, so I always made sure to book ahead of time. Her positive energy always filled the room and she welcomed everyone with a smile!

Fast forward to 2020, life was changing for everyone.  Even though we have a home gym, I personally never felt the same energy doing home workouts.  My daughter was in her senior year of college and had to return home.  We made the commitment that we would start each day with working out and cooking healthy meals.  When Brittaney started her virtual spin classes I was so excited!  Exactly what my body and soul needed to feel positive!  I loved working out at home, hearing different music and being accountable to show up!  Her humor with Justin always made me smile everyday!  I was so glad that I made the commitment from the very beginning to join her team!  She was so encouraging, thoughtful and inspiring to provide all of us with her classes during a very difficult time.  

As I have gotten older, I started to focus more on becoming stronger, keeping my mind positive, eating even healthier (I am now enjoying being plant-based),  making the best choices each day and believing that movement is my medicine!  When I focus back on my life I can honestly say that tough times bring you to better places.

A difficult time led me to my amazing husband Dave, infertility led me to our two beautiful children we adopted, Nathaniel & Nicolette and Ovarian Cancer led me to an even healthier life.  I am also an advocate for Ovarian Cancer, educating women, raising awareness and speaking to nursing and medical students about the early signs of Ovarian Cancer.

Which brings me to the tough time of 2020...because of Brittaney & Justin's commitment to our community we all have come together to work hard, show up and feel better.  They gave all of us a purpose to step out of our comfort zones, take virtual classes and realize that sometimes change is good.  Sometimes tough times bring us to exactly where we need to be.  So we all have less excuses not to work out, we can choose the class and time no matter where we are or what our life schedule is.

In the end, life is all about showing up with a smile, balance and finding the good in every situation.  As I mentioned, movement is our medicine!  So thank you again Brittaney and Justin for seeing the vision that a tough time can bring new purpose to everyone!!”

April, age 48

📍Potsdam, NY 

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“When my kids were little, I took a spin class in the evening a few times a week to make time for me. I bought a spin bike for home because I loved it so much. The instructor stopped teaching the class, and I stopped spinning – the bike I bought for home became a great place to hang clothes. 

Fast forward 10 years to April 2020, a dear friend from college shared Britt with me. I hopped on the bike for the first class and thought I might die but I kept pushing through. After that class, I was spent and sweaty but I felt a little spark. I completed a few more classes and they started to get a little easier and I was hooked! I love Britt’s cues “relax your shoulders…wiggle your fingers and toes”, always at the right time ☺ 

Britt is not just spin, she teaches great strength classes too! You can take anything from a 15-minute arms express class to a 60-minute full body class – each class leaves me feeling that sweet soreness that proves to me that I worked hard and am making progress! I also like the fact that Britt provides modifications for everything – I may never get the reverse burpees but I keep trying ☺

Each time I hop on that bike or roll out my mat for a strength class, I feel like I am stepping into a class with my best friends. We laugh, we dance (most are better than me☺), and we motivate each other – even though I have never met these ladies and gents in person they are my SQUAD!!

Here I am a year later, stronger, more confident, with more energy, leaner, and comfortable in my body.

What are you waiting for?”

Ashley, age 34 

📍Ballston Spa, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since January 2021

“My husband bought a bike in January because I had mentioned my friend Marie loved spin.  I hopped on one day, despite my hatred for cardio, in my 2003 high school sneakers. Why buy new sneakers if I never wanted to use them, right?   Upon finishing a free trial live ride with Marie, I’m pretty sure my first text was “what is that girl on?!,”  followed by “what just happened???”  Britt is my kind of crazy.  How can one person be such a light to inspire others?  Brittaney gave Marie such an empowerment and excitement about her own personal growth.  How could I want nothing more than to join her?  My cousin also joined and the three of us moved from a HIIT workshop twice a week to completing Britt’s body class replays every few days at 5:30am, filling in between with spin.  Now we have an accountability group that we use to motivate each other every day. These girls bring me life. These badass, hardworking, motivated ladies mean the world to me.  As caregivers, moms, wives, and busy human beings, we find ourselves lost in the chaos sometimes.  Instead let’s empower each other to emerge out of these waves with purpose and value and joy.”

Ashley, age 34

📍Rexford, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I've been spinning with Britt for years!! I LOVE to spin and getting into her classes in the studio wasn't always easy(because she's amazing and everyone wants to spin with her). When she told me she was taking her classes online I NEEDED to get myself a bike and join. Now everyone can take her classes ANYTIME.

This year, I had my second son. My body does not love being pregnant but her classes worked so well for me during my pregnancy! It's so important to take care of your body pregnant or not, and her spin and body classes were perfect and easy to modify to accommodate my changing ability levels! 

Now that I'm postpartum I've got some serious GOALS. Britt  is encouraging, motivating, and creates workouts that will challenge me and push me past my limiting beliefs about my own capabilities. Her classes are helping me gain my strength and energy back and she puts a big smile on my face every class! This community is EVERYTHING!! I'm so dang thankful!”

Brittany, age 32

📍Fort Mill, SC

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since June 2020

“During the pandemic I missed the gym and group workouts. I felt like my home workouts weren’t  challenging enough and I was craving more. One of my best friends from New York told me to start Britt’s free zoom classes, I did the body strength and toning classes for a month and I was hooked! I had only taken spin classes 2 times prior, but as soon as she launched her membership program, I ordered a spin bike and I fell in love. (So much so that I regret not going to the studio when I lived in NY.)  Brit challenges the crap out of me every single day; it’s changed the way I workout at home, and the results show! It’s amazing to have this fitness community in the comfort of my own home (and I know I need to get more consistent with turning my camera on 😉).”

Carl age 59 & Lisa age 53

📍Glenville, NY

💪🏽Members of #brittdeitzfitness since August 2020

“My husband and I were introduced to Brittaney by my sister-in-law Kristin Richter.  She was looking SO good, had tons of energy, and said, “you should try spinning, I love it”. I tried it and was hooked immediately! A few weeks went by and my husband Carl, who is extremely active was like “what goes on in there”, he was referring to the room I emptied, and replenished with only a small table, a laptop, and a used spin bike I purchased from a couple in Lake Luzerne (during Covid).  He tried it and was hooked too!! I was so happy. 

Brittaney became an integral part of our Monday through Friday morning routine. I go on first, then Carl, and then go back and forth about how we love spin and how it makes us feel so good! Carl on many days will come downstairs sweating and say things like “she is unbelievable” or “she killed me today” and we just both laugh, it’s awesome.

It brings me joy as his wife to see Carl exercising and enjoying it so much.  In 2013 he had serious health issues that are always an underlying concern even now.  Brittaney has given us an amazing opportunity to improve our physical health as well as mental health (especially during Covid). Since September of 2020 our morning routine has not been compromised at all as we both feel encouraged every time we spin by Brittaney’s positivity, humor, and how she can make even the members who only take recordings truly feel part of a team! I also have to mention for the first time this morning, Carl called me up to the bedroom (spin room), I ran up and when I said, “are you ok”, he looked at the floor……he dropped his towel and we both cracked up!!!

We have so much gratitude to Kristin for introducing us to spin, and Brittaney for impacting our lives on so many levels and improving our performance in all the other activities we love! Thank you both Brittaney and Justin for all you do.”

Chrissie, age 40 

📍Colonie, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since November 2020

“I was late to the game when I found this group. If I’m being brutally honest, I was not in a great place when I joined and hadn’t been for quite some time. On the outside, I was the epitome of “fake it til you make it,” but inside I was the hot mess express. 

I got a used bike in summer 2020 but lacked the motivation and consistency with virtual classes from the studio. I had often taken Britt’s in-studio classes so I signed up for her free month thinking maybe something new would give me a jumpstart as I knew something had to change.

I started with a few classes a week; typically replays as I am not an early morning person. I never posted or commented. My camera was always off. 

Now, six months later....I am closely coming up on my 100th ride. I find myself setting an alarm to get up early for weekday live classes, my camera is on, I post and contribute on the social media platforms (typically with a sarcastic comment) and I’m now attempting almost all the body classes (with modifications as needed, but even those are becoming less). Hell I even love it so much, I hopped on the bike with one arm in a cast with a broken elbow. I feel stronger, healthier, and more balanced in my life than I have in years.  I’ve never laughed, danced, or swore more while exercising. I workout daily now with people I’ve known since high school, family, close friends, former coworkers, a kid I’ve known since she was 3 months old, and people I’ve never met in person but truly feel now are my soul sisters. 

Britt’s positivity, sincerity, compassion, and laugh are infectious. Her commitment to making this a judgment free community where every person is welcomed and supported radiates through every member. She celebrates every small victory with us as if we’ve won the lotto and never lets anyone give up or feel less than but reminds us that it's ok to not be ok. She created a space where people can feel comfortable to be unapologetically themselves but yet pushes us to leave our comfort zone and grow. Even on her tough days, she shows up for us. That’s why we show up for her day after day. 

Anyone who struggles with anxiety, depression or any other mental health disorder would agree with me when I say it's an ongoing battle. I have good days and not so good days. But what makes this community so great is that on even my tough days, there’s a tribe of amazing humans who are there, to celebrate each other, comfort each other, encourage, and genuinely support and care for each other. There’s always someone to work out with if you miss the live class, hold you accountable, share a joke or funny story or send you virtual hugs when you’re down in the dumps.

Anyone thinking of joining...I implore you to. This squad will give you something you can’t get at any gym or studio....Love.  I am a testament to the power of this. Britt and the squad brought me back to life.” ️ 

Colleen, age 41 mother of 2 girls

📍Pittsburgh, PA. 

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since August 2020

“I am an avid runner and I found myself having injury after injury while training for my last full marathon. I had been looking for ways to stay fit during Covid and I bought a spin bike off of Facebook Marketplace. I tried the free Peloton classes and I did not care much for the style of the classes. I found it very impersonal and difficult to motivate myself. I did a search on Facebook for spin classes and found Miss Brittaney Deitz. After I did a few drop-in classes, I thought I would give it a try and I have been part of her classes since last August. I really enjoy seeing all of the regulars when I can make it live. I feel like I know Lakshmi and Nancy Preston-lol! It’s so fun to listen to new music and have Brittaney’s lively personality motivate me to work harder and push myself further than I feel possible. Although, I will likely never meet any of you in person, this online gym has given me something I’ve missed since I had my daughters. I missed going to a gym, and now I can. I recommend you try her classes.”

Courtney, age 27

📍Rotterdam, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“Before the pandemic I was at the gym almost every morning working to lose 40lbs of baby weight. When the gyms closed I felt so discouraged. I had never considered taking a spin class before because I always assumed it wasn’t intense enough for me. (Boy was I wrong!) My Aunt Joann invited me to join Britt’s Facebook group. I had a very old exercise bike in my basement that I had never used so I decided to try a class. By the end of that first class I was soaked in sweat and officially in love with spinning! Now a year later, I’ve upgraded my bike, the baby weight is gone and I have muscles in places I never thought possible! Most importantly Britt has helped my mental health. She has helped encourage me, motivate me, and improve my confidence. My favorite part about exercising from home is that my girls get to watch their mom getting healthy. They cheer me on and even participate in some of the body workouts! I don’t know how I would have gotten through Covid without you Britt. Thank you for inspiring me and helping me be the best version of myself.”

Courtney, age 36

📍Clifton Park, NY
💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“When Britt told me she was going to start virtual spin classes last spring, I couldn’t find a bike fast enough! As a very active and social person, quarantine was such a shock to my system. Since my family and I had COVID in early March I was itching to get back in shape and moving once I had recovered. My sunroom very quickly became my office/gym and I have never looked back.

I had taken Britt’s classes in the studio for years, and battled my way through snow, waitlists, and other people’s sweat to enjoy her music, choreography, and infectious energy. She always took the time to greet new riders, chat up the regulars, and tease her friends — and all that fun has continued on in Britt’s virtual classes! The ability to turn on your camera and feel like you’re with other people is amazing. My mom and sisters in Massachusetts got bikes and joined in, and it was fun to “see” them when we couldn’t get together. My 7 year old daughter loves to hop on screen and wave; I can dedicate songs to my bestie; I can flip Britt the bird when she’s trying to kill us; the fun never ends!

I had always been a cardio girl — happy to run outside in any weather, hike, go to spin classes, or even hop on a treadmill when mother nature forced me to. I made the commitment back in the fall to do more of Britt’s strength classes, and I am so glad I did. I have lost a little weight but more importantly I feel stronger (when I am not sore AF) and I have noticed changes in how my clothes fit, especially in the back side (my husband will agree!).

As I am STILL working full-time from home, I am so glad to have the flexibility of these classes and the motivation from the amazing group of people Britt has brought together. I am able to spin live with new and old friends, get my kiddo on the bus, and fit in a strength recording before work most days — something that was impossible in years past with a commute, travel, and childcare. SO THANKFUL for Britt and Justin, and the #BDF community for keeping this mama sane this past year. XO.” 

Danielle, age 45

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“So my story . . . I don’t find my story terribly interesting. What makes posting anything to this group special is Britt’s overwhelming energy and positivity and the community she has built by sharing that energy and positivity with all of us.   

I always enjoyed working out and challenging my body, but I loved doing strength exercises so much more than plain cardio.  Over the years I have done the ole’ step aerobics classes, ball classes, boot camp classes, dabbled a little in martial arts, Shaun T videos, yoga . . . gyms here and there, classes here and there, hours in the evening, squeeze it in when you can, packing your workout clothes, delaying dinner, waking up at the crack of dawn, and stumbling out in all weather to go workout . . . 

A couple of years back I found a spin studio and was definitely drawn to the energy and fun it brought.  For the first time I enjoyed something that was almost purely cardio based. I fit in the spin workouts when I could (and of course, trying to get into Britt’s classes!), but could only fit in 2 or maybe 3 times a week. My busy work schedule and my tiring body, with intermittent joint pain and illness, made it hard at times to do even that. I also no longer wanted to take the hours away from the people in my life to devote to working out. With a slowing forty-something metabolism (seriously how much slower can a person’s metabolism get???), struggling to fit in workouts, and struggling to feel good enough to work out, it was sooooo frustrating.

Then came March 2020. I made a commitment to use my suddenly non-existent commute time to roll out of bed and do at least some exercise before a long day of at-home working to keep a school district running during lock down. Brittaney started doing body classes that I could do in the mornings and then added spin classes. As we all know, Britt’s energy is contagious and it kept me coming back daily for more!  I bought more weights, made a spin bike purchase, and there was no looking back.  Even being back at work the past year plus, I can easily roll out of bed, grab my pile of workout clothes, and get going.  I never thought I would stay motivated to workout from home, but Britt keeps you motivated (and a shout out to my 16 year old dog and his need to get up at 5am each morning). No time wasted on worrying about how I look, brushing my teeth or hair, putting on a coat and shoes, and traveling to and from the gym.  

I honestly feel mentally and physically healthier and in better shape than I have for probably my entire adult life. I don’t have to choose between time with the people in my life and fitting in my workouts. I don’t have to get frustrated with myself when a workout isn’t my best because of joint pain or being on the struggle bus that day because I know I get to do a workout the next day and the next. Forty-five isn’t looking that scary. Sure things will sag, foods that I used to love won’t agree with me anymore, nights out have to be planned on a Friday night for a 2 day recovery, and that darn metabolism will never be like it was in my 20s, but thanks to Britt and this group, I wouldn’t change a thing!”

Diane, age 50

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“Working out has always been somewhere in the background of my life. Sometimes it was WAY in the background. My Dad loved to go to the gym and encouraged me to join him whenever he could. The motivation was lacking so I left him in the dust. As the years went on I had multiple workout partners for short stints of time. The worst was the ex-boyfriend who told me my calves were too small, so he made it his mission to change that by taking me to the gym and having me do SO many leg exercises! That didn't work out and neither did he. Thank God. But I am always game for a challenge so I continued to sporadically find friends who wanted to get healthier and I was along for the ride! 

This included basement workouts with friends, various gym and YMCA memberships, Yoga, Netflix workouts, running, You name it, I tried it for at least a few months.

Fast forward to 3 years ago when Adam made me try a spin class. I hated it. I hated him during it. I hated everyone around me that could do it. I was surprised and embarrassed by how hard it actually was. I WAS NEVER GOING BACK. But, I did. I had to at least give it 3 chances. The more I did it, the more I felt confident in it and actually enjoyed it! Not to mention he was getting up a lot of mornings to spin with this hot blonde instructor (Britt) and I couldn't just be left out of that (joking)! I actually didn't spin much with Brittaney in live classes but when I did her personality and the way she acted like she knew everyone was endearing, to say the least.     

Then the pandemic hit when I was finally on a roll of sticking to something! We all know what happens next. Our savior came and not only built a virtual community, but she also built one, in my opinion, better than the live one. She continued to somehow make everyone feel special even when her numbers grew and grew. 

Look, in full disclosure I don't do this for weight management. Maybe that's why a lot of workouts were tossed to the side. But I'm 50 now and I do it for the same reason every single person should have some sort of exercise routine. The bottom line is your goal should not be at the end of the scale. It should be in the way you feel and your overall health.

I do it for my kids, I do it for my friends that do it with me, and to maybe be an inspiration to those who don't. I do it to be a supportive wife, even though Adam can be way too much for me during spin at 6:00 am. ;-) But I mostly do it for myself and am proud to say I have never stopped. I may not be an All-Star 6 day a week girl, but unless I have been on vacation, I have never given up. That is a HUGE shout-out to Brittaney and Justin because you guys together turned this sporadic workout girl into a dedicated one. 

I definitely don't do it for the dude that told me my calves were too small 30 years ago but you betcha I'm rolling my pants up and flaunting them if I ever see him again!”

Gwen, age 34

📍Troy, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I have been spinning since I was in high school, but when I moved to New York from Maine in 2012, I bounced around to different spin classes because I didn’t love any of them.  Eventually, I started spinning at the studio where I met Britt!  Spin became part of my weekly routine for about 6 years.  If I’m not spinning I’m hiking, lifting, walking my two dogs, or single track and downhill mountain biking with my husband.  

When exercise studios shut down due to the pandemic, I was really bummed.  I use exercise for my physical health as well as my mental health, and not being able to spin was really messing with my routine and my anxiety.  I was so glad when Britt started leading rides from home!  I had a spin bike already set up in our home gym and I was determined to use it.  I took a few of Britt’s classes and had a blast, just like I used to in the studio!  Unfortunately, I tore my ACL (for a second time) last summer, and had to have it repaired in November.

My rehab is much longer this time around and I was so impatient to get back to spinning.  My PT finally gave me the “okay” to take classes again four months out from surgery, and I cried happy tears during my first live class back on my bike.  Britt has been so encouraging and supportive throughout my recovery.  She genuinely cares about the people in this community and that is so important to me.  Britt’s shout outs, personal social media messages, big smiles, and infectious, positive energy really make Britt Deitz Fitness a one-of-a-kind fitness experience.  I was never someone who got up early for my workouts, but now I look forward to the live rides and body classes. I also love that I can replay a class if I miss it.  I am so grateful for this online community that is filled with endless motivation, great vibes, and amazing people (I’m looking at you #strongertogether ladies)!  This has become my new routine and I am thrilled!”

Heather, age 51

📍Burnt Hills, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“Where do I even begin?  Basically, I don’t know what I would do without Britt.  I have always been a fitness junkie…..exercising, trying to eat healthy, and making sure I take the time to take care of me… that I can take care of my family, teach, and just be me without regrets and hard feelings.  If I don’t do that, I am grumpy and get annoyed when others need me for life’s ins and outs and ups and downs.  When Covid happened, I did not know what I was going to do…going to the gym was my life line.  Well, then I discovered all Britt has to offer.  Yes, I took an occasional spin class with her in the studio, and that was part of me mixing it up in my routine, keeping the body guessing, trying not to plateau.  Britt has it all….you do not need anything else.  I rode one spin bike into the ground and had to purchase a better one (the same one Britt has!!!!).  Now I am all in!  If I am being honest, I feel like I am in the best shape of my life!  I am 51 and loving how I feel.  I am telling you, I have Britt to thank for that!  So Britt, let me take this member spotlight as an opportunity to thank you and Justin for keeping me healthy and happy!  Did I mention that I had Justin as a student when he was in 7th grade?  OMG!!!!!  So weird.  Oh, and I teach with Britt!  Happy spinning everyone!  Treat yourself, don’t cheat yourself!”

Jacquie, age 29

📍Albany, NY

💪🏽Member of # since August 2020

“I first heard about Britt’s classes through friends at work last year. After checking out her Instagram and seeing how much fun people were having, I instantly had serious FOMO. I then found myself looking at affordable bikes and pulled the trigger and ordered it! And let me tell you- it was one of the best decisions I ever made!

No more FOMO! I started spinning with her last summer and did body classes also. I loved her passion for what she did and the ability to translate her energy through a screen. Her classes are so enjoyable and I find myself looking forward to them every day. Also, let’s talk about the physical changes I noticed since starting her classes- I’ve increased my muscle tone, muscle mass, cardiovascular endurance, and strength since I started with her last summer.

I’ve also been fortunate enough to get to know her outside of her classes through conversations we have music, life, encouragement, etc. Britt is such an inspiring individual to all women and little girls. She inspired me to start my own yoga business teaching virtual classes! I’ve never met her in person, but I can honestly say I have gained a great friend during this whole process. She has the ability to connect with her members during every class and will give you the extra push you may need to finish out a song or circuit. 

I highly recommend you try out just one of her classes! I promise you will be completely hooked!”

Jen, age 27

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since July 2020

“Oh Britt, where to even begin! I remember my first spin class with you. I made a last second decision to spin and, while safely going the speed limit, arrived at the studio on time. It was the first and only class I ever sat in the back row.  I was hooked from the beginning.

Your energy is infectious. The thought and energy you put into your playlists and choreography are literally unmatched. When you started your home workouts I didn't have a bike and had complete FOMO. One day the universe delivered, with a cheap bike posting on Facebook Marketplace and that was probably the second time I drove somewhere safely going the speed limit to secure a bike.  From that point forward I never had to worry about getting to a spin class on time to get my front row spot! Now I just look for Adam, Maria, or Leigh on Zoom and it feels the same. 

I haven't just gained a coach over the last few years spinning with you, but I've gained a friend and an awesome community of like-minded people who are willing to bust their ass and do a couple of dance moves on the regular. It has been incredible to watch people I don't even know in real life achieve physical, mental, and emotional wellness goals because YOU created a space for them to feel SAFE and SEEN. 

I truly believe that when you build something from a place of pure love, magic happens in return. My friend, you created just that. Britt Deitz Fitness is magic and I'm so blessed to be a part of it.”

Jennifer age 43

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I’ve always exercised in some form or another since high school mostly for a stress release and to keep my body in shape to stay healthy.  I had several gym memberships over the years and due to work, a growing family, time constraints or lack of interest, I gave them all up and bought equipment for home which was more conducive to my family and work schedule.  I was first introduced to spin over 10 years ago by my friend, Judy and bought a monthly membership to a spin studio. I liked it but it just didn’t fit into my schedule at that time.

At the start of Covid my husband, kids and I started exercising together.  We incorporated our family including my sister-in-law Erin and her husband, daughter, and son.  I added some friends, including Lauren and others and we would zoom for 10-15 minutes in the morning while we could complete our exercises.  It was nice to see everyone on zoom since we were all in lockdown. 

About a month later I was telling one of my friends, Emily, about our exercise group and she had mentioned she joined Britt and thought I would like it.  She gave me the information and I joined the body classes. I instantly was hooked with Britt’s infectious personality, energy and her love of fitness. I felt like I have known her for years because she makes you feel so welcomed. At first, I was intimated. I didn’t have my camera on because I was afraid of making a fool out of myself because I couldn’t do as many reps or hold the position as long.  Eventually, after hearing Britt say, “we are all here, to be  healthier, better versions of ourselves and there is no judgment here,” I finally turned on the camera.  I stuck with the body classes 2-3 times a week for the rest of 2020.   

My husband surprised me with a spin bike for Christmas last year. Since then, I have been on the bike at least 5-6 days a week and I am addicted!!  I love the variety of rides, music and moves.  I have completed 300 rides!!  I love the positivity, energy, accountability, the laughter and the jokes, and let’s not forget the dance moves.  Even if I start out grumpy by the end of class, I’m smiling ear to ear!  Britt and Justin, thank you for all your time, effort and energy you both put into these classes and the meet and greets.  To my squad- thank you all for inspiring me and keeping me motivated!”

Jenn, age 40 

📍Saratoga Springs, NY 

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since the very first class! ☺️ April 2020

“I started spinning with Brittaney back in 2012 when she was teaching at a studio but her classes were hard to get into because she was so popular. No surprise since she's such a great instructor!!

Fast forward to March of 2020 when everything was forced to shut down. Brittaney quickly pivoted and started teaching virtual classes that we could enjoy from the comfort of our own homes. It was a nice respite from all the negativity we were being exposed to at the time. I felt a sense of community and loved being a part of the live classes when we couldn’t be with one another in person. It was a nice sense of normalcy in the otherwise uneasy and unknown world we were living in. On top of that, Britt brings incredible energy and positivity to all her classes so you feel motivated and excited to workout. She pushes you when you need it and always has something fun up her sleeve.

I have gained incredible strength and cardiovascular endurance from spinning, and I love the fire and passion Britt brings to ALL of her workouts. If you aren’t able to make the live class, you can always do a recording making this program completely flexible There is something for every fitness level and Britt will make you feel right at home (because you are😚) I can’t recommend this program highly enough! Love ya Brittaney!”

Jenny, age 25

📍Stamford, CT

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“Before the world changed in March 2020, I would only be able to attend Britt’s studio classes whenever I had the chance to get back home to the 518!  I would go to the spin classes my gym offered or ride with the peloton classes, but Britt’s classes just hit differently! 

Britt literally saved us during the pandemic by creating her online platform of workouts! While I didn’t have a bike available in the beginning of the launch of her platform, her body classes kept me in a solid workout routine, which helped me physically and mentally during a time of high anxiety.  I had been working with a personal trainer prior to everything shutting down, so Britt’s body classes helped me to continue with the goals I was working on which included balance, coordination and strength. Additionally, these body classes got me up earlier than I would normally work out since there were no recordings at that point. To anyone who knows me, something good has to be happening for me to wake up early, so that just shows how great her body classes are! To this day, I’m getting into a great habit of getting my workout done early in the day when my schedule allows!  

Once my gym reopened and I had access to a bike, I couldn’t wait to get back into my spinning groove, which used to be 2 or 3 spin classes a week. Now, I am spinning  5-6 days consistently because Britt’s classes have made such an incredible impact on my physical and mental health. I truly am so excited to workout and take her classes everyday because I know they will be challenging, effective and fun! I truly have FOMO on days when I’m unable to get in the saddle! 

I am so happy I can take her spin AND body classes hours away from the 518, any time of the day I want, when I can’t make it live! My physical and mental health are especially grateful that her workouts have become a daily part of my routine!”

Jess, age 40

📍Albany, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since July2020

“Over the years I’ve been a member of various local fitness facilities throughout the Capital Region.  You name it and I probably had a membership at some point!  I’ve also completed my fair share of endurance events including 6 full marathons!  I actually started taking spin classes back in high school before indoor spin became popular and taught spin in my 20s!!!  While I still enjoy being active and the benefits that come with it I can’t push myself like I used to - after being diagnosed with Lyme more than once I struggle with fatigue and joint pain. 

What I enjoy most about working out is the camaraderie and friendships I’ve developed over the years.  It can be difficult to stick with routines but having people expecting you to show up provides motivation, accountability, and sparks that  extra push at the end of a workout!  I struggled a bit with consistency last spring so I took a leap and posted to Britt’s page asking for people to join an accountability group.  A few brave ladies responded and #strongertogether was formed.  It’s hard to push snooze when you made a commitment to the group the night before!”

Karelyn, age 43

📍Ballston Lake, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since May 2020

“I'm originally from Cleveland, Ohio. Back in my early 20s I developed sciatica which left me with a lot of pain, little mobility, and serious depression. I felt like my life was over and that I would be dealing with chronic pain for the rest of my life. I depended on pain management and was limited in my activities.  

After the birth of my daughter in 2006, I began changing my lifestyle. This included training for a 5k, giving up the pain management, and taking nutrition and exercise seriously. I was never a "skinny" person- I've always had to watch and work or pay the consequences. Many times, I just paid the consequences. However I found a great trainer who worked at my company gym and began weight training with her and spinning on my lunch breaks with my friends. I got into the best shape of my life and I was very strict with exercise and diet. I was able to find more periods of relief from the sciatica. When I started a new job I joined my local YMCA and continued to weight train and spin but it wasn't the same. I didn't feel the connection to the people and the camaraderie we built.

Fast forward to 2014, when I moved from Cleveland to Ballston Lake for my partner's job. I didn’t know anybody here. I joined Planet Fitness, dove deeper into yoga, bought multiple Beach Body programs, I joined a spin studio, CrossFit, OrangeTheory Fitness, and Metabolic.  We bought a cheap spin bike for our house and I joined a few fitness apps. I was all over the place and never truly fulfilled or committed the way I had been in the past. I loved my yoga community at Baptiste Power Yoga CD.  I would go hard-core then would do nothing for months. Then 2020 happened and everything stopped.  

That's when Sheryl Campbell told me about Brittaney Deitz! I started doing her FREE classes right away--such a gift during the pandemic, I will never ever forget. It's hard to say what would have been, but without Britt I truly feel I would have gotten into a slump and possibly never recovered. I had started hiking with friends because I had never explored Lake George, Keene Valley or the Catskills. I was discouraged by how out of shape I felt during those first few hikes.  But, by August 2020 I had dropped 20 lbs (during the pandemic!) and was so enthused to take classes with Britt. I loved her upbeat attitude, her never-ending energy, and her genuine honesty with us. Her classes were fresh and full of ingenuity. In addition to her classes I hiked over 50 mountains in 2020. This is truly amazing for me.

For several months I remembered attending a spin class back in Ohio where the instructor played ~ I kid you not ~ the same playlist for 6 months at every class! I'm sure it seems impossible given we are blessed with new, innovative playlists and workouts each day.  

I am so happy I found this community.  These workouts are so challenging but also flexible and always fun.  My partner used to call spinning "sitting" and he didn't think it was a real workout.  Britt has changed him, too! Just the other day he looked at me and said "do you ever get to sit down?"  

Britt always jokes that I like to take late-night classes, which is true, but lately I'm doing more in the morning and afternoon. It's rare that I wake up for 6am (I did for my girl Marisa's birthday!) but I am always on the replays. And I'm happy to report that my sciatica has been 100% manageable.  My daughter is now 14 and is a competitive dancer. Last year she told me how much she appreciates being in a family where health and fitness is a priority. She also said she would like to be like Britt (teaching kids and fitness) when she grows up!  Love it!”

Katie, age 46

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since May 2021

“I have always struggled with sticking to a fitness routine and regular exercise.  I am my own worst enemy.  For four years in a row, I ran a marathon (2016-2019) and that held me accountable at least until marathon day.  Once the pandemic hit it took a greater toll on me than I realized at the time - physically and mentally.  I joined Britt’s Facebook group I believe as soon as it was formed.  I saw all your posts about how much you all loved Britt and her classes and marveled at the support and positivity in the group.  We had bought a Peloton the week before the world shut down and I figured since I had that there was no reason to add on another fitness membership.  Fast forward to this spring.  I had gained 15 pounds, hardly exercised, and was in the midst of a health scare.  I found out in May that I had non-invasive breast cancer and the oncologist told me that to reduce the risk of the cancer returning (potentially as invasive), that I needed to lose weight and exercise regularly.  Talk about a wake-up call!  My niece (Nicole Heck) took her first class with Britt the next morning, RAVED about it, and told me I needed to join!  So, 4 days after that oncologist appointment my wellness journey commenced with this amazing group!  It’s only been a month, but I am feeling better than I have in quite a long time.  Britt and all of you that are a part of this community motivate me more than you could possibly realize.  I absolutely love the classes, positivity, and support and am excited to see the positive changes as I continue to make this part of a consistent workout routine.”

Kiersta, age 25

📍 Worcester, Massachusetts

💪🏼 Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“For most of my life, I was a dancer. I grew up taking ballet classes and performing in musicals. I tried a few sports in high school and ended up playing lacrosse in college. I have always been active whether it was through dancing or sports. When I graduated, I had no desire to run or dance—but still wanted to stay in shape. One of my best friends @emily_bortoloni asked me to take a spin class with her. To be honest, I was actually pretty nervous to take a class. Once I met Britt in 2018, I was immediately inspired by her energy and positivity! I loved her playlists, I loved how she genuinely went out of her way to get to know me and Emily from the start, and I loved how I felt welcomed walking into the studio every single time. Taking her spin classes made me realize that I can do 2 things I love AT THE SAME TIME: dance and exercise! 

Fast forward to 2020…I decided to move to Massachusetts with my boyfriend. At that time, we had been together for 5 years in a long distance relationship, so I figured this was going to happen eventually. I told Britt the news a couple weeks before COVID really kicked in and she was so supportive and sweet…but we were also mutually sad that we wouldn’t spin together anymore. Well, the timing ended up working out great because #brittdeitzfitness was born and I signed up to take her classes virtually as soon as I could!

I truly believe that people come into your life for a reason, and Britt is definitely someone important to me! I appreciate her hard work, dedication, and motivation. Britt’s spin community has inspired me in so many ways and I couldn’t feel more lucky to be a part of it. ♡ 

Huge shout out to Justin…I’ve never met you, but I think you’re great and I love the stories she shares about you guys. You both make a great team!”

Kim, age 34

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since August 2020

“I have been spinning with Britt for several years now and the words life changing come to mind.  Our husbands have been friends for years and I remember when we first met she kept telling me to try spin and that I would love it.  It only took me a few years to listen and I’m glad I did.  This past year has been one of the hardest of my life.  Being pregnant and having a baby is hard enough but during a pandemic came with its own challenges.  The first months of becoming a mother can be very isolating and I was really struggling mentally.  I ended up buying a bike and starting to ride as soon as my body would allow.  These spin classes quite literally saved my life in a really dark time.  My mood was lifting and I felt like I got a piece of the old me back.  Also being able to do it at home as a new mom has been incredible! I don’t ever make it to live classes because of my schedule as a nurse and being a new mom so I love the fact that I can workout when it’s best for me.  Although I haven’t done many live classes I feel like I know all of you,  and Britt did such a great job building this community.  She is so entertaining and such a great motivator during her classes.  I’ve even started to slowly do her body classes which have been tough, but worth it!  I honestly don’t know where I would be without these classes and this community.  As someone who has suffered depression most of my life, this type of workout is its own form of therapy.  I want to thank Britt for helping me through the toughest time in my life and I’m excited to continue this journey!”

Kristen, age 30

📍Colonie, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“When I think of Britt Deitz and everything she has built, the first words that come to mind are admiration, gratitude, and fun-loving. Being a part of Britt Deitz fitness was the perfect addition to my lifestyle and I couldn't be more happy. When I first started to spin with Britt, gyms were still shut down due to COVID and I was doing online workouts at home. Despite that I tried to be consistent with my basement workouts, it still wasn't the same as the community I had when things were open and the push we had in person. Being left to my own devices had me slacking more than I wanted to. My mental health was taking a toll like anyone else's during the closure, too. Fitness for me is more than just being healthy, it is my escape from stressors in life and a huge part of calming down my anxiety. It can be a make or break day if I don't get a workout in to help set my head right. I needed to have something to help me feel the way I did before during this time. When I joined, I decided on a $200 spin bike. I figured that if I liked it I'd upgrade eventually (which I did! 😄), and if not, I would at least have a bike for my basement gym. I fell in love with the incredible vibe in Britt's group, the positivity, accountability, and more! It has been the only at home workout I've been able to stick to consistently. The live classes were a plus for me to join at the time because the accountability was there. Having my camera on to be cheered on or being told to push harder is just what I needed! I always loved and enjoyed spin, but another membership in addition to what I was already doing was out of given finances. Britt's online membership is significantly more affordable than in person spin studios, and has become a perfect addition to my Metabolic routine. I do about 2-3 classes a week whether it is live or the recordings. My cardio endurance has gone up significantly, and my knees are 10x happier on hikes with the strength I've built. This is a big deal since my husband and I are avid hikers. Britt has such contagious energy, is incredibly passionate in her work, and is personable and caring towards each one of her members. She always pushes you to do your best and be your best. Her classes never fail to put me in a better mood, especially with her sense of humor! So grateful to be a founding member and to keep on spinning with her wonderful community!!”

Kristen, age 34

📍Plattsburgh, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since August 2020

“I would have never imagined that in 2021 I would be in the best shape of my life from working out at home. In 2020 I fractured my tibia, and on top of the limitations of the pandemic, I worried that I would not be able to get back to my previous fitness level. Thanks to Britt and this amazing community I’m back and even stronger than before. I started taking Britt’s spin classes in August and was hooked from the start. I never thought I could be so motivated to workout at home, virtually. I've recently added her body classes and regret not committing to them sooner. The classes have not only improved my physical health, but also my mental health. Britt's energy and enthusiasm are contagious. She makes everyone feel special and valued. The personal shoutouts make me smile and work harder. The benefits of her classes and this community are endless, but my favorite is how much my hiking has improved. I have been working on completing the 46 ADK high peaks, and I can already feel that this summer will be my best hiking season yet. From the shorter hikes I’ve done so far this year, I feel like I could run up the mountains. There is no such thing as an “easy hike”, but I feel so much stronger and more confident than ever. I literally almost cried tears of joy on my first hike this year at how good I felt. I love nature and the mountains, and I felt like I truly was able to enjoy myself so much more. I am forever grateful to Britt and this community (also Laura for sharing Britt, and being a great workout buddy!) It’s such an amazing feeling to want to get up early everyday, work hard, know you will be challenged, and have fun at the same time!”

Kristina, age 36

📍Rexford, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since November 2020

“I had been training for a half marathon in the winter and spring of 2020. When the pandemic hit, the half marathon kept getting postponed, my training stopped and I was completely burnt out from all the training and looking for my workouts to be fun! Fast forward to fall of 2020. I discovered Britt and her spinning community. Being a nurse, I have to be out the door extremely early and sometimes home late. Not to mention raising a 7 year old(future BD spinner...she makes a cameo every now and then!)That’s what’s great about Britt’s classes. I can do them before work, after work, the middle of the night—-whenever! And the best part is, she’s always checking in...messaging, shout outs(and playing my favorite song!). She keeps me accountable and motivated EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I am so thankful to have found Britt’s virtual community. While I can’t always be live, I know she’s behind the screen cheering me on and just the motivation I need!!! 

P.s. Wanted to let you know — I got on the scale this morning after committing to doing 5 of your spin classes and 2 express classes a week and I’ve lost almost 12 pounds. I am soooo happy because I put on some weight this last year and I’m about 8 pounds away from my pre COVID weight. All because of you!!! I’ve still got a little way to go...but I’m feeling more energized and more like myself!! Thank you so much!! You’ve made workouts so much fun!  Thank you Britt!!!”

Kristy, age 44

📍Colonie, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since January 2021

“I met Britt while she was still teaching in a studio. I was immediately drawn to her energy & infectious smile. I remember thinking, “I wish I could spin with her every day!” I guess EVERYONE shared that same thought because getting in her class in-studio was a challenge as classes filled QUICKLY! This virtual platform has given me the opportunity to do just that. Britt makes her classes so much fun! I genuinely jump out of bed excited to see her face each day. She is such a positive light. She shares in your victories while also reminding you to be kind to yourself and give yourself grace. That being said, since adding spin with Britt consistently into my schedule, I have lost over 20lbs. When I told Britt about my scale victory, before celebrating, she asked me how I was feeling and if I had non-scale related victories as well. In my opinion, that was one of the most responsible questions anyone in the fitness industry has ever asked me.  It was a thoughtful line of questioning that reminded me that weight loss can be exciting but your overall health should always be your #1 priority. To find someone who can remind you of that and make you feel valued, just as you are (in an industry that makes billions off pointing out imperfections), is truly like finding a life vest to some of us who get too caught up with the scale. 

Be consistent. Do your personal best. Be proud. Find balance! These are all things that Britt has been helping me with just by being Britt. You will feel seen...not judged. You will feel empowered and strong! You will have a coach who makes everyone’s victories and celebrations feel like a team win!

As if all of that isn’t enough, Brittaney and Justin are always making upgrades to improve their clients visual and audio experience during class and always asking for feedback to be sure their clients get the most they can offer. I’m proud to be part of this community called Britt Deitz Fitness and would recommend it to anyone and everyone!”

✨Lauren, age 38

📍Cohoes, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“My journey with spin started in March 2019.  My son was approaching his 4th birthday and I was struggling to keep up with him.  I could barely play with him on the playground and didn’t fit on the rides with him at Hoffman’s Playland.  I knew something needed to change so that I could not only spend time with him more enjoyably but also so I could set a good example for him.  

When I gave birth in 2015 I was pushing 300lbs, and through better eating, had lost some weight; but knew that I needed to reintroduce exercise to get fit.  I hated the gym and working out alone, and was struggling to think of ways to move my body that also made me happy.  I saw some Facebook posts and heard a couple radio commercials for indoor cycling and decided to give it a shot.  The rest is history!  Britt's In-person classes at the studio always had waitlists, but I got into a few here and there.  Her insane energy was infectious and I always felt amazing after finishing her class.  I celebrated my one year in studio “spin-aversary” in March 2020, and then we all know what happened.  I have been virtually spinning and doing body classes with Britt since she started last April.  I spin for mental clarity, strength and to continue setting a good example for my son.”

Leigh and Jimmy, ages 39 & 42

📍Latham, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I don't really know where to even start. I could talk about the positive impact Brittaney Deitz has had in my life for days...  Jimmy and I had the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with Britt back in 2016.  She of course invited us to come to a spin class when she was teaching in studio. Somehow we figured out a babysitter and managed to workout together. It was amazing! More fun than a night out on the town!  Britt leads such a high energy class that radiates positivity.  You can’t help but leave her classes feeling strong, happy, inspired and motivated!  I noticed with Britt quickly that she paid attention to small details her friends and class participants share and has an epic memory recall.  She will give shout outs in class when she remembers a song or artist you like, an event you have coming up, or a goal you have in mind.  I often wonder how she keeps track of so many people and it boils down to one thing.  SHE CARES- like genuinely cares about all of us. She is a good listener, a good friend, loyal, and has a heart of gold.  People are drawn to Britt for these reasons and a lot of others : she is hysterical, she is light hearted, she is kind, she is strong, she is a wonderful human! She gets us to dance, laugh at ourselves, and most of all motivates us to be the best version of ourselves.  I couldn't be happier that she switched to a virtual platform. We get to spend soooooo much more class time with Brittaney this way since we don’t have to arrange child care! Also, it has allowed Jimmy and I to be involved in the same fitness community with each other (which we have never been before) and many of our friends! Jimmy and I are both marathon runners and both love a good cardio fix and endorphin high! Britt delivers every damn time! I get off the bike looking like I jumped in a lake and with a lot less stress on my bones and joints than when I run.  As a periodic insomniac (lol) the fact that I know I will not be charged a no show fee and can still do the recording is invaluable to me. I am pushed just as hard as I ever was in the studio and get many more workouts in this way.  I am grateful for you Britt and for the connections to all of the other wonderful people in your virtual fitness community!”

Lexi, age 29

📍Clifton Park, NY

 💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since May 2020

“I first met Britt @ Metabolic. I knew that any day we were placed in the same group, I better bring my A game. Her infectious energy and strong work ethic has always been such a motivator to me, both in and out of the gym. When you’re in Britt’s presence, you push it to your limits because that’s the example she sets. What stood out to me the most about Britt though, was her kindness with everyone she spoke to. Even at those early morning 6am classes when most were still half asleep, Britt came in with a huge smile on her face and chatted with almost everyone she saw. She genuinely cares about others and their success, which is not only why she was voted the Times Union best personal trainer for 2021, but also why so many are drawn to her. 

Before the pandemic, I attended a couple of in-studio spin classes, but never made it a part of my weekly routine. I would always tell Britt that I wanted to take one of her classes in studio, but could never get off of the waitlist! (Well now I know why!). She would tell me to keep trying to get in and that I would absolutely fall in love with spinning once I started. When Britt launched her virtual platform, I knew this was something I had to at least try. I had picked up running more frequently, which really took a hit to my knees, ultimately causing injury. Spin was just what I needed to get that cardio endorphin high, but also not completely beat up my joints. 

In May 2020, I bought a cheap bike just in case it wasn’t for me and gave it a go. As she said it would, I quickly became hooked. I ran that cheap bike straight into the ground (literally), as I started spinning 6 days a week. A second bike, a pair of clip-in shoes, and almost 300 virtual classes later, I’ll never look back. Since incorporating spin into my daily routine, I’ve noticed tremendous gains in my cardiovascular endurance and stamina both in and out of gym. Anybody who knows me knows my absolute favorite thing to do is hike. The stamina and strength I have gained from spinning has been invaluable for me in my journey to become an ADK 46er! Britt’s classes start my days on such a high-- it’s the reason I jump out of bed almost everyday. Britt radiates positivity through her inspiring one-liners, dance moves, and jokes. Spin class truly is the best medicine and can turn any mood around.  I’m forever grateful for the community of people that she has brought together. I’m very lucky to be a part of a group from all walks of life that inspire and  motivate each other to be the very best version of themselves everyday.”

Lindsay, age 32

📍Pine Bush, NY 

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since May 2021

Brittaney has rejuvenated my love for exercise!!! I seriously have not found a program I’ve loved so much since 2017. (Crazy, right!?)

I found out about her virtual classes through my sister (Kristen Backes) back in March when I was struggling with finding a fun consistent workout routine after hurting my arm from weight training. At the time, I only had a recumbent bike - but tried a free class (with my camera off, haha) and fell in love with Britt’s energy, choreography, personalization, and connections with her crew. I instantly ordered a real spin bike and couldn’t wait to consistently take classes! 

Brittaney has the “true teacher” style in her - knowing how to connect with each and every one of her members in a unique way… and I know I certainly felt that instantly. This is pretty amazing considering that everything she does is virtual - never met this woman in my life!!! As a person who taught Kindergarten virtually all of last year, I truly hope I made the impact on my kiddos as Britt does on a daily basis for her crew. 

Britt truly cares for her members and has been super encouraging to me while trying to lose Covid weight! As a former 285 pounder back in high school (15 years ago 😜), sometimes my weight can fluctuate more than it should - but I refuse to get back to where I was. Britt’s fun classes and online community have kept me pumped and focused on my goals of living a healthy lifestyle through making healthy eating choices and exercising for my mental and physical being. 

Brittaney - you are amazing and your energy is contagious! I am so thankful for all that you do to lead a fitness community online. Your work means more than you will ever know. Thank you! 

Also - my husband finds you hilarious - you have become part of many silly conversations in our household. 😂 ❤️”

Lindsay, age 36

📍Warwick, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since January 2021

Thankful for your classes, Britt! Been doing a strength training class each morning this week at ~5am before baby wakes up and we have to get ready for work/school/daycare. I miss spinning, but only have time for one or the other and I figured weights would give me more bang for my buck at the moment. I hope to get at least one spin class in this weekend to meet my spin deprivation need haha. Started school full force September 3rd and have done one of your classes 7/9 days we’ve been in! Working hard on this mom bod! Thankful your classes are such a no-brainer go-to for this mom on auto-pilot!

Lindsey, age 40

📍Plattsburgh , NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since July 2020

“I've never been one to stick with home workouts but, like many others, found myself with no choice when the shutdown hit the gyms in 2020. My girlfriends and I would do zoom workouts but I was greatly missing spin classes. I bought a bike and started off with the Pelton app but it wasn't a good fit for what I was used to. My friend Lori McLear recommended trying Britt’s classes and I've been hooked ever since. I love the ever changing variety of music, the challenging moves, and Britts positive & bubbly energy is infectious. Being a part of this community has changed my discipline with home workouts and given me a huge network of amazing members who are truly inspiring. ❤”

Mani, age 45

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since August 2020

“Married to Lakshmi and to not be fit isn’t a choice if I have to keep up with a high-octane woman. This is a relationship challenge. Thanks to many fitness folks who have helped me, but recently in the last 3 months, especially picking up the classes with my wife and listening to two screaming women at the same time has kept my listening skills, but more so competitively engaging with the spouse is a fun way to challenge each other and collectively become better. Add that to the personality of Britt, it is so easy to have fun!. Britt brings her flavor to every day and her engagement with each and every person in her class makes it a true community.

Part of us turn out to just see what Britt will do in class today, the other part is scared as shit, worried about how she is going to torture us today. But turning up every day has shown some tangible differences in my mental and physical health, along with some quirky dance moves that have been added to my repertoire.

Thanks to all the Dudes (Adam, Tom, Rob, Dave, Chris and Ryan) that show up and do the figure 8’s with me gracefully – there is nothing more manly than to shake it on a bike.

What I like the most is Britt observing the room and cheer-leading the individuals who need a lift up, I am sure I have lifted my tail more than once.

We became friends with Alyssa Seligman, and Lakshmi has made several other friends as well without meeting anyone.

Thanks Britt and community for being there almost every day even in recording!! It makes a huge difference in uncertain times, brings a smile, puts our mind from pieces to beautiful, those endorphins are a precious thing.

I am addicted to this fitness community!”

Marie, age 34 

📍Clifton Park, NY 

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I first joined Britt's community in April 2020 at the height of the pandemic with no bike, a yoga mat, a water bottle as a weight, and a strong hatred for at home workouts. I attended classes when I could while juggling my two small children and working from home with my husband. I followed along on my elliptical for spin classes. I had never taken a spin class in my entire life but when Britt announced her virtual platform I was all in and purchased my very own bike for my at home gym, AKA my basement. No gym commute and a 2-minute commute to my home office allowed me to join live classes.  Now I join Britt's live classes 5-6 times a week, sometimes doubling up with spin and body class or catching a replay. I now love working out at home and even have my 6 year old daughter join me. She knows the moves, loves Britt's shout outs, and reenacts the workouts with her little brother. 

The accountability of knowing Britt will know if I was in class or not is why I get up for early classes. The shout outs during every class is why I keep going. The connection she makes with every one who joins her classes is why I turn my camera on. The messages and comments after class is why I sign up for the next class. Of the hundreds of members that join the classes I feel like Britt is my personal coach and cheerleader, pushing me to do better and counting on me to do better. 

I have had several of my friends try out "my crazy spin instructor's" classes, converted them to members, and now we coordinate workouts together. This is the next level of accountability; texting which classes were killer, which playlists were awesome, and which live classes we can do together. I feel like I have so many more friends in this workout community even though we have never met. I know Liz Carr and that we like the same kind of music. I know Nancy Preston likes her music tasteful. I know Lakshmi is a stickler for time and works out with her husband (#relationshipgoals) and that Mani loves to run too. We have birthday and milestone celebrations together. We have chats on Facebook about Britt's crazy antics, sore muscles and which replays are a must! We can't forget Justin...our sound support, tech support, towel support, and Britt support! 

Over the last year I am certainly in better shape than I have been in a long time. I am constantly showing up and taking care of myself and my body. Kudos to Britt and all you have built in the last year. I am so proud to be a part of it. The motivation and accountability from this group is just what I needed to help me make working out part of my routine and lifestyle. 

If you are not in this community you have no idea about snakerolls, figure eights, and plyoclaps, you are truly missing out! Treat yourself, don't cheat yourself. Grow through what you go through.” 

Marisa, age 43 

📍Ballston Lake, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since February 2021

“RHYTHM IS LIFE.  In fact, to me, everything in life has a rhythm; whether it be my relationships, my professional career, my fitness, my communication, and my joy.  Sometimes my rhythm is upbeat, fun, and noisy, and other times it is slow, challenging, and painful.  You know what is always there for me to lean on in whatever rhythm I am in? MUSIC.  And, that my friends…is why I joined in on the Brittaney train and feel so connected to all of you.  Through the power of music (and of course Britt’s 10/10 energy), we are connected and challenging each other to be better and do better.  I now even find myself jamming out in the car to a song, volume up so loud, screaming…”hit the beat, hit the beat, Hit. That. Beat”!

Although my main fitness goals typically centered around yoga and running, I was first introduced to Britt from my friend, Marie Eastman (big shoutout!!), followed by my cousin Ashley Rickson (another shoutout!), who both acknowledged that the amount of energy I had (too much for most) is only a smidge compared to our girl. I started following the group and soon began listening to replays for my treadmill and outdoor runs.  What you may not know is that I was recently injured. I fractured my femoral neck.  In other words, I broke my hip which puts running on the back burner right now.  Two weeks after my injury, I bought a spin bike and for the next three months you will find me tight to the saddle, until I can tuck Britt and the entire community into my pants and we can run together.  

Discipline and grit are what keeps me grounded, striving for more, and committed to my fitness goals.  I am not one to uphold the idea that “good enough is good enough”.  For me, there will always be more to achieve and more to do.  All this has currently put me in a constant struggle of dealing with my injury and finding a balance to heal and not to push for more.  

What I love about Britt is  her welcoming spirit and her way of showing up -  always connected and dialed in to every one of her people.  She remembers all our likes/dislikes, gets us to move our bodies (even in impromptu dance parties – my favorite), and challenges us to get after it! When I found Britt, I didn’t know she was a missing component to my life.  I received the opportunity to see myself in her and she made me feel liberated and leveled up as a yoga instructor, friend, mother, partner, and professional.  My theme for teaching yoga is to leave people in their greatness.  And, that is what Britt does for me and for so many others.  The way that Britt can capture the essence of fun and at the same time setting fire to her own energy, cranking the music up, and asking for more from us: more grit, more focus, more energy, more speed, more determination, simply MORE.  I don’t know about you, but that shit lights me UP!

So, friends…my rhythm right now is in the slow and challenging, but I know that with Britt and this community, I am learning to embrace this part of my journey; lean into the good vibes and good music that ALWAYS without question, brings a smile to my face and twerk to my tush.”  

Marna, age 43

📍Niskayuna NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I love spinning with Coach Britt and all the amazing people in her community.   Even though we’ve never met IRL I feel a connection to this community.  Britt’s energy is contagious, her shout outs in class are genuine and authentic and she is working to make all of her squad stronger, mentally and physically. 

I am proud to support a badass entrepreneur who created a remarkable community during a dark time.  She provided structure, light and something to look forward to during quarantine.  Working out her with her from my basement is just what I need to get my day started!”

Mary Beth, age 58

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since August 2020

I first met Britt and Justin at The Hot Yoga Spot when they  came to my class. Britt exudes such  positive energy and kindness that I knew as soon as I met her that I wanted to be around her more.  

I love movement and working out.  I have run since I was a teenager, have taken yoga for 25 years and taught for  10, and prior to the pandemic, had been working out at a gym with weights and HIIT workouts pretty consistently.  My husband and I are also avid hikers and love exploring and hiking with our dog. Movement grounds me and I like the challenge of competing with myself.  When the pandemic hit I was in pretty good shape, and I knew that keeping up with my fitness would help me manage the stress and uncertainty of what was happening around us.  I knew though, that I could very quickly lose my fitness level. 

I joined Britt’s online group and did body classes occasionally, but I didn’t have a bike and I had only done spin a handful of times in my life.  When Britt announced her founding  member offering, I jumped on board right away.  I wasn’t sure that I’d be going back to my gym, and  long distance running didn’t feel quite as good in my body anymore and that I needed to cut back on it.  I wasn’t sure if I would like spin, but I knew I would need something for the winter months. I bought an inexpensive bike and jumped in.

I have found I absolutely love spin! I am challenged by it, and I feel the same benefit of endorphins in my body as running but without the impact.  Britt makes the classes so fun, with choreography, weights and of course the incredible music!  I remember pretty early on doing the 60 minute Coldplay ride and was really proud of myself for getting through it a

as a newbie.  The body classes are equally amazing.  Britt has adapted the workouts to make them work for us. Having a busy job and schedule, there are so many ways to fit the workouts in. Often I would have to work into the evening leading virtual programs for my job, and the express workouts gave me the opportunity to get a quick workout in and get back on my computer.  

We have all been challenged in different, and personal ways through the pandemic.  For me, missing my family was one of the hardest experiences I have ever  been through.  My grown-up kids live far away (one 800 miles away and one was 5000 miles away).  My husband’s job was essential throughout the pandemic, and he works out of town 5 days a week.  I had many lonely nights, and 2 quarantines. The holidays were especially hard.   Knowing that I had this amazing community to be a part of helped me so much. If I felt sad, scared or alone, by the time I finished the ride or workout I felt better.   I love the live workouts, but the same energy comes through on recordings.  I have not only maintained my fitness, but have gotten stronger.  

I love the encouragement of the members to each other! Whether it is regarding fitness, nutrition, or sharing ideas, there is such an amazing sense of community. It’s been fun to connect with people I know who are also members, and to make new friends.   Whether you have an existing fitness practice or are coming back or just getting started, there is a place for you here.  

It’s wild for me to think that I’m now 58 years old!  Instead of feeling like I’m getting older and of the things I can’t do, staying active reminds me every day of what I can do.  Instead of aging gracefully, as they say, I can age with strength.   Every day really is a gift.  I am inspired by others in the group and the positive energy is motivating and contagious. 

Thank you to Britt and Justin for creating this amazing community. I look forward to many more rides and workouts!”

Mary, age 46

📍Spencertown, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since May 2020

“I didn’t know it on May 28, 2020 when I met up with a friend for a COVID birthday hike, and saw Liz Carr in person for the first time in 10+ years (that’s another story), that my quarantine experience would soon become one of the best of my life. Liz magically had a Peloton bike appear at her house early in the pandemic and mentioned this online fitness group she was a part of (and if I can be too forward, her legs and butt looked great, so whatever she was doing, I was certainly going to try!). She invited me to join Britt Deitz fitness that night (or the next morning) and I tried a body class. By June 24, I found a spin bike on Facebook Marketplace and took my first spin class shortly after.

Like others have said, working out at home to recorded workouts has never been an easy or a successful strategy for me. After my first spin recording, I knew these would be different. The energy, the enthusiasm, the encouragement, and the sense of community made all the difference. Even though I wasn’t live, I felt like I was. I found myself looking forward to getting home to hop on my bike (as we started returning to the office part time) and it was never something I had to will myself to do.  Prior to this, spin was always just a solid cardio back up for me on days when it was too hot, cold, snowy or icy to run, but studio class times and availability never seemed to align with my work and travel schedule. By October 28 I purchased clip in spin shoes, and fast forward to today, I only run 1-2 times per week (and usually because I’m traveling and can’t bring my bike, or one isn’t available at a fitness center). I think I went about 2.5 months without running at all this winter! 

After starting spin classes last year, my mood changed almost immediately; my legs looked more toned than they have in a long time; and as someone with introvert tendencies, I was surprised by how much I love interacting with this group. I’ll admit I felt like an outsider in this group of people who all seemed to know each other (and no way did I have my camera on for the first few months), but it turns out that many of them had also never met and many never went to the studio together either. I still haven’t met 99% in person and yet I feel like we’ve known each other for years.

I don’t look back at COVID quarantine as a bad experience, and it’s mostly because of Britt Deitz’ Virtual fitness classes. I have finally found a fitness routine that’s affordable, motivating, and one I can consistently stick to.  When Britt announced her intention to continue with these virtual classes last year, and not return to the studio, I was ecstatic. I would finally be able to fit spin classes in my life and have recordings I would be motivated to do if work travel demands start to ramp up again. (For perspective, I would have traveled to NYC 18 times last year, for at least one, if not two overnights each time, if not for COVID. All of those meetings became virtual.)

Britt and Justin, thank you for being such an incredible team to make this happen! It truly takes a special relationship full of support to do this. You are like a Broadway show - performers in the front of the house are only as successful as the stage hands and lighting crew supporting the production 🤣. We have the option to sleep in each morning, but you wake up and commit to making it happen every day, every week.   

I hope you know how much we appreciate you and look forward to starting our day with you each morning! Your positivity is infectious.”

Mary, age 30

📍Guilderland, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since August 2020

“I moved from Pennsylvania to New York with my husband Chris at the end of January 2020 so he could follow his dream of opening a brewery (which he did, in Delmar). I was only here for about a month before the pandemic hit. I was still living with my in-laws with no real chance to find another apartment, and working from home. My network of new acquaintances was incredibly small, and my homesickness reached new peaks with each passing month of quarantine. I could feel it in my body and the way I carried myself that I wasn't eating well, or exercising at all. Back in PA I had a group of friends who I ran and worked out together; but I didn't really have that (or the motivation) here. That was until I met Britt and this amazing community. I met Britt through my work for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Britt was suggested by our CF Ambassador (who took her spin classes) to do charity rides to benefit the foundation. When I met Britt, she was unbelievably bubbly and ready to go. She talked about how strong Karen, our CF warrior is, and helped her to raise over $2,000 towards finding a cure for CF. 

I decided to step into one of Britt's virtual body classes and LOVED it. I'm a runner, I've completed a 25K, 3 half marathons, and many 10 and 5 K's. I saw the body workouts as an opportunity to make my runs stronger. And they definitely did. I signed up as a member, joined the Facebook group community, and shared my new highlights and accomplishments with this amazing group of people. I usually took the live classes, but Britt would notice on days I wasn't there. I know she genuinely cares about me as a person. I finally had found a group that kept me accountable. I talked about it so much that my mother actually joined in January. She started taking both body classes and the cycle classes, and loved them!  She started asking me why I wasn't taking the cycle classes.

I was absolutely dead-set against becoming a cyclist. I thought that once the weather warmed up, I would be back outside, so a bike would be an unnecessary purchase...I wouldn't like it...I'm a runner..and several other excuses (6 am rides!?). Then my mom showed me how she takes the classes on her elliptical. I went for a visit at the beginning of May 2021, and it was all over. I LOVED the energy that Britt and the others in the class gave off, and I felt AMAZING. I “Double Deitzed” for a week taking both spin and body classes each day, and bought a bike that weekend. 

The rides are a beautiful compliment to my strength training. I can still run if I want to, I'm waking up earlier, feeling healthier, feeling stronger, and just overall more grateful every morning. It has given me a structure I didn't know I needed. I am so thankful for Britt, for this community, and for the general happiness I have found from moving my body in a new way.”

Megan, age 37

📍Loudonville, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I moved to the area over 11 years ago and with my competitive nature I began looking for something to keep me sweating and catch my attention.  That’s when I met Britt!  In 2008 my family was hit by a drunk driver in a head on collision.  I suffered the worst of it, snapping my femur in half and breaking my hip… my soccer and running careers ended but my mind still craved fierce physical exertion.  Britt was my answer!  I knew that any time I got to workout with Britt I was going to have a great day.  Now that I spin from home I have the best of both worlds. I cannot imagine what my life would have looked like without Britt and her amazing rides.  Thank you!”

Michele, age 45 

📍Troy, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I never used to get to spin in-studio with Britt very often, because her waitlists were a mile long, she’d teach the early morning classes (which I CERTAINLY wasn’t getting up for to also tack on a 25 minute commute to get there - ha!), or she’d have a competing timeslot with another instructor in one of the closer studios.  

Ironically, the last two in-studio classes I attended were a “Double Deitz”.  Two rides, back-to-back, Sunday, March 15th, 2020.  I distinctly remember walking out of the studio that day with Britt, chatting in the parking lot, “What do you think’s going to happen?” - “I don’t know.  This Coronavirus stuff is really crazy, huh...?!” - “I know. Ok, stay safe & see you soon...”

Here we are, over a year later.  I haven’t seen Britt again in person since that date.  Within that time, I was furloughed and lost my job of 15 years(!!!); I lived the remainder of my 44th year at home, on unemployment and Medicaid, saying, “Wow: this is TOTALLY what I thought my life would be, with a college degree, in my mid-40s.”  (Yes, for those of you who don’t really know me: that’s sarcasm.  I dole it out quite frequently...)

As many other testimonials have shared: I, too, have always been very open about mental health, having struggled with bouts of depression and anxiety all my life.  2020 was the clincher.

Thank God I got a bike at home inside a month from leaving that studio back on March 15th last year, or I’d have been in an even darker place, mentally, amidst my other life circumstances.  I’ve also amassed a pretty grand collection of new tanks with many a snarky and/or inspirational phrase on them, and I look forward to “dressing” for class and subsequently posting my “sweaty selfie” just as much as I would, were we still in person to document my #Motivation & #Accountability.

I had never been one for at-home workouts and had always loved the live energy of in-person classes best whether it be spin, a bootcamp/Tabata type class, Pilates, etc.  I was also rarely even a “just-go-to-the-gym” person, as I’d always find myself half-heartedly doing 20 mins. on an elliptical & being like, “Yep. Bored. I’m out.  Kthanksbye.”  (How was I going to stay sane at home? & for how long?!)

I rode a fair amount with Britt virtually last spring/summer - even hauling my cookies out of bed at Zero Dark Thirty (ha!) for some of the 6am classes, being I had literally nothing else to do with my days.  I joined as a “Founding Member” in August to support her amazing endeavor & the community she’s now built among us all in this past year.

Britt played my (mostly) ‘80s ride on my birthday back in January.  Though I’m not on Facebook, she told me she posted to the group, sharing that was the day on which my (now) fiancé also “put a ring on it” & so many of you cheered me on & sent wishes - thank you, all!  She’s sent texts to check in inside this past month, having now lost my dad back on March 4th.  *Sigh* [Not one to end on a Debbie Downer note, though: I DID finally get a new job - after many failed interviews over this past crazy, everything-virtual year - which my dad also knew about before he passed.  I’ve now been there since March 15th & life is STARTING to get back to “better” for me...& for many of us at this point...]

Many, many downs in the past year...but Britt & the Britt Dietz Virtual Fitness Community has always been an “up” for me during this ongoing time.  I may not wake up as much as I’d like for the early-morning classes to ride live (admittedly, I suck...& joke that I am/have always been the. worst. morning. person. EVER...) - but I know whenever I ride live (&/or even the recordings, at a more “sane” hour I can tolerate...haha!) I will always get the same energy, the same enthusiasm, the same shoutouts to all, the same ball-busting, & the same “death” & getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter (as I call it) as I would, were I back in-studio.  

Now, I no longer have to battle through waitlists, drive 25+ mins. in sometimes crappy weather, choose which instructor with whom I want to ride during competing times, & I don’t have to die of asphyxiation (or have my damned face breakout anymore than it already has in this past year from “mask-ne”) having to workout while wearing one.  I’m perfectly happy to sweat & huff & puff at home, with my cats judging me &/or a fiancé making a wisecrack about a song he hears while I’m riding, SANS a KN95 constricting me just to be “in person”, thanks.  To each, his own, but I’m good here, no mask required!

So much gratitude, Brittaney.  Sincerely, congratulations on what you’ve achieved in this past year.  All of these testimonials are a testament to what you’ve done for myself...& so many; you should feel so proud, just as we do to be led by you on this virtual journey.  Cheers!”

Michelle, age 50

📍Guilderland, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since September 2020

“I have NEVER enjoyed exercising.  It was a chore and something I never committed to on a regular basis in my adult life.  Five years ago my friend Ashley Swider asked me if I wanted to try a spin class with her because she loved the instructor and we would be supporting a colleague.  I met Brittaney and was instantly drawn to her kindness, compassion and humor!  I went to the studio to spin with her once a week (whenever she had an open bike)!  When we were in lockdown I practiced yoga once in a while for mental health and I tried several of Britt’s body classes.  I debated all summer long whether I should be getting a bike - would I really use it?  I had so much self doubt that I would actually commit to an exercise routine.

When I learned that I would be back teaching in person in the Fall I knew I needed to do something to mentally be able to be in school with my students. At first I was taking classes 2-3 times a week with Britt.  I decided that was not nearly enough because I loved the positive energy I felt not only from her but from all of the squad I was riding with!  I was completely hooked.  

In March my husband started taking classes after getting a bike for his birthday.  My daughter now does daily recordings and we talk about Britt like she is a part of our family.  I take spin classes 6 days a week and I try to do at least one body class.  I feel so strong and am smiling ear to ear every day!  Dave and I talk about “friends” in class who we have never met in person but feel connected to thanks to the community Brittaney has created.  I am beyond grateful for the support this has given me during this year and that I am able to share this journey with my family and community!” 

Nancy, age 62

📍Latham, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I’ve been spinning with Britt for over ten years, and we’ve been connected through social media the entire time, so when she brought her classes to the virtual world it took me about a minute to decide to purchase a spin bike and hop on the saddle.  I loved the community of the spin studio, and since I’m self-employed and work from home (and have only interacted with my clients virtually over the past 13 months), I wasn’t certain I could warm to the isolation of exercising by myself.  But I got over that on day one!  And it took me a year, but I finally decided to “put my big girl panties on” and commit to the body classes, and to taking as many live classes as possible; the energy is infectious.  And while I haven’t lost a single pound, I know that everything I’m doing is to make sure I’m the healthiest me I can be.

Although I’m old enough to be the mother of many of the riders, that doesn’t stop me from feeling a part of the “squad.”  Maybe one day I’ll come to appreciate the “beat” of today’s music, but until then I’ll dream of the day I get to ride to my three-hour 70s playlist!  Thanks to Britt for her vision, commitment and passion, and to everyone for creating a vibrant virtual community.  Cycle on!”

Nancy age 45

📍Athens, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“It was April 2020 and I had just started working from home. I was really struggling emotionally, mentally, and physically. I wondered how I was going to survive without going to the gym or to my favorite yoga studio and then there she was, Britt Deitz. (Thank you for referring me Michelle!) 🙏

Britt and I clicked immediately with our love of style, giving back, sense of humor, and all things Arbonne. 🙌

To be 100% honest, life can be hard. It's not all sunshine and rainbows; but by having an opportunity to focus on my health from my home, each and every day, my life has significantly improved. I'm able to give back to my family and friends in positive ways with more energy and love, and I'm especially able to be the best mama I can be to the most important person in my life, my son.💙

So thank you Britt, you've changed so many lives with your smile, kindness, and sense of community. And to all of you, your stories, posts, comments and motivation inspire me to continue to rise and keep going! 🤩 I hope everyone enjoys my birthday playlist takeover ride, and know that we are all together in this crazy journey called life.🤟”

Nicole, age 34

📍Ballston Spa, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since February 2021

I have always been a very active person, did dance all through my youth with some cheerleading and gymnastics. Loved being outside and hiking and being at the gym. I got into spin during my early twenties where all my friends would meet for a class and then after we would go to the bars for a cocktail as a reward for getting through the class 🤫🤣. 

Fast forward to my mid twenties where I started to do some bodybuilding workouts with some of my friends and then I did a couple bikini competitions. At this point spin was out because my coaches always wanted me on the stair stepper. Eventually I slowed down on being in the gym for hours a day and then I moved back home.

I have always been a workaholic because I do love what I do but the gym has always been my release from all my crazy days. When covid hit and I was no longer allowed into a gym I thought I may lose my mind from what we were seeing everyday and not being able to even buy weights anywhere because everyone at that time wanted to make a home gym. My girls and I decided we would do a HIIT class twice a week and in between that I would do my cousins yoga in the morning before work. In February, my girl Marie and my cousin Ash introduced me to Britts classes. They told me to do the free trial for each class and I didn’t even make it ten minutes in the spin class when I had already decided that this lady was so my style and I needed to sign up immediately! Britts energy literally makes my mornings! When I don’t workout because I sleep in my days are just not the same! I love to hear her motivating, hilarious and energetic speeches and watch her awesome dance moves. Always puts a smile on my face. My girls and I have started our own “Squad/Accountability Team” where we text and check in with each other keeping each other  accountable. I bought my own bike and free weights because I’ve become so obsessed that I can’t even miss a weekend with Britt! I can’t thank my girls enough for introducing me to her ❤️ 

Thank you Britt for everything, you are always a motivating Boss Bit** 😘 Love ya!” 

Niki, age 42

📍Burnt Hills, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I'm a founding member of Britt Deitz Fitness, but I've been a Britt Deitz fan for a lot longer than that.

Over the years I've taken her in-studio classes, we've lifted together and pushed each other in the gym, and we've encouraged and supported one another's academic and entrepreneurial adventures.

Britt is adorable, and perky, and beautiful, and successful, and it would be easy not to like her or to feel intimidated by her, except for the straight fact that she's one of the kindest, most genuine people you'd ever have the good fortune to know. And let me tell you, Britt shows up. And she shows up big. Whether that's in the gym, in business, or in life. She's the real deal.

So many people sign up each day to get Deitzed because of the community and culture Britt's created, and that for sure is true. Personally? My decision to get started with her program came down to convenience and cost.

I'm a single mom of four under 10, a full-time teacher, and a small business owner. I own an investment property that I book and manage myself. Time is my most valuable commodity. 

I rarely ride live. Like almost never. Not because the live experience isn't absolutely epic (it is), but because my days are the very definition of overscheduled.

With Britt's programs, I never have to choose between myself and the hundred other things pulling me in different directions. I access the recordings on my time, when it works for me, and I always know I'm going to get an amazing workout. Being able to prioritize myself and my health on my terms is priceless.

And while we're on the topic of price, her programs are insanely affordable. 

I ride a fancy popular cult-following subscription-focused bike, whose monthly membership I terminated in favor of Britt's program. 

Her classes are better, more personable, more accessible, AND more affordable.

Time is money. Money is money. Britt is money. 

Whether you're showing up for a happy hour or at an ungodly hour --  her program just makes sense on so many levels.

Omayra, age 45

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since September 2020

“I discovered spin almost 6 years ago, shortly after giving birth to my youngest girls - the twins - at age 41. I needed something efficient that would not hurt my back. To my surprise, I loved spin. I get bored with repetitive and predictable things - one of the reasons why I don’t enjoy running -  but spin was different. The music, the creativity with movement, and a fun instructor can make it feel like a dance party! Perfect for this #Latinmama! But then my work schedule and family responsibilities made trying to meet specific times for in-person classes very challenging and counterproductive. The extra 1.5 hour wasted between commuting and having to get cleaned up at home to get the day started was time that I could not afford. Yes, there were more important things to do, and that time did not add any value whatsoever to the so-called “me time”. So, I stopped doing spin. I tried getting a membership in a gym -with no specific times to join a class and a shower.  Then COVID hit. 

I’ll fast forward, but this pandemic brought the stress levels related to work and family logistics to an all-time high. Multiple sectors that got significantly impacted by the pandemic were related to what I do every day - education, non-profit, under-resourced community, working parent, parent of small children in school and the volatility that went with that, elder living at home, being the parent that stays home to support that volatility, etc. I experienced the longest days ever. One time I logged in 17 straight hours in front of my computer at my standing work station. Standing? Yes. Moving? No. Then Britt came to the rescue. It was obvious that this pandemic would not go away anytime soon, so I decided to get a bike and join Britt.

For me, this self-care model is here to stay. It is perfect for a busy working woman, community leader, and mother of three like me. I can’t see myself wasting time driving to other exercise venues - not to mention other reasons that make that scenario less appealing to me. I have full control over when I do the workouts. Currently, I mostly do the recordings, but they still feel like if I were live because I’m not repeating the same videos and they’ve been recorded within a 1-week time frame (that’s my personal cycle). Yet, if I loved a specific playlist, I can go back and replay it anytime too. I also join live when I can. The variety of workouts and lengths to fit different needs and time availability are very practical. It is not a hit or miss for me, and I don’t waste my time trying different videos or instructors because I know that whatever class or video I play or join, I’ll enjoy and will work. Last but not least, a big bonus is having my girls witnessing momma engaging in a healthy lifestyle and they wanting to imitate me. 

I was able to incorporate a healthy workout routine during one of the most challenging times logistically, mentally, emotionally, and physically. It is not just the exercises themselves, but Britt’s professionalism and the encouraging, fun, and positive spirit that she brings to the table. Britt has created a community that encourages and challenges everyone to be their best, but without the judgement and shaming that is unfortunately often found in some groups, for which I have no tolerance.  Thank you, Britt, for taking the risk to create something awesome!”

Lisa, age 50

Virginia, age 20

Maggie, age 18

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

"We met Britt when Maggie started playing Shen Soccer in 8th grade. The team used to go to a studio for team spin classes. Fast forward to Easter 2020, the world stopped and Britt decided to bring JOY to a lot of people. It started as a grassroots movement and has morphed into a fantastic, wonderful, supportive community that has reached around the world. We are proud to be Founding Members. We ordered a bike March 2020, before the world went crazy. On Easter 2020, we attended our first class. The whole family jumped at the opportunity to work out. We had to make a schedule so we all knew who was going to ride on what days and times. If you weren’t on the bike in time, someone would swoop in and take your live class. Rob and I have completed 200+ rides each. Lisa jumps on for the weekends, nights and holidays.  Virginia attends classes when she’s away at Wentworth College in Boston or recordings over the summer, and Maggie typically does the recordings. Thank you Britt and Justin for this AMAZING COMMUNITY. We LOVE you.”

Rachel, age 25

📍Niskayuna, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“Have you ever gotten your eyebrows done and looked in the mirror and thought, ‘wow.. I didn’t realize how badly I needed these done?’ Well I can confidently say that’s how I feel about adding Britt’s workout classes to my life.  

Britt came into my life over ten years ago as my freshman soccer coach. I remember having the utmost respect and admiration for her because of her coaching style. She would never ask us to do anything that she wasn’t willing to do herself. Any time she told us to dribble the ball around and practice our moves, she was dribbling right along with us. If we ever heard the words, “get on the line”, she was standing there ready to sprint before we were.  Britt is the kind of coach that any athlete wishes to have leading them on their path. When the world stood still and we were told to stay safe and stay home, Coach Britt stepped out of the darkness and let her light guide us.  I can tell you wholeheartedly that I have NEVER felt closer to my truest and highest self.  Having the strongest, most loyal, and most determined Coach at my side, made diving in and committing to my path feel completely seamless.  

Britt’s spin community has helped me stay consistent in my workout routine and in my peace of mind during a time of unpredictability and uncertainty.  I have never looked in the mirror and felt more proud of what she has helped me accomplish; and that is, a healthy body image, commitment to myself, and fun workout regimen. Britt won’t ever ask you to do burpees that she isn’t about to do, she won’t tell you to turn up your resistance if she isn’t turning her dial simultaneously, and she won’t ask you to wake up at 6 am, because you can always get the recording!  😂

A larger than life thank you to Coach Britt, Justin, and our Deitz spin family for helping me find what I never knew I so badly needed ❤️!”

Rachel, age 40

📍Ballston Lake, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since August 2020

“I think like many others, my journey with exercise has been a love-hate relationship. Growing up I played sports all year round so there wasn’t really much else I had to do to stay in shape. I got what I needed doing the things I loved – soccer, basketball, softball and track. I grew up on a lake so in the summer months I was an avid swimmer and I also attended sports camps and played AAU basketball. When I was in college, I tore my ACL and was unable to play my final season of college basketball. I’d like to say my injury sidelined me, but in reality I think it was just time to pack up my childhood dreams of playing sports forever. 

Flash forward to real life and I have a career that I love and am passionate about. I’ve been an operating room nurse for 15 years and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Starting out I was so headstrong in proving myself that life slipped away from me. All I wanted to do was work. I worked the night shift and picked up shifts whenever I could.  My life was literally work and sleep. There didn’t seem to be time for anything else. I knew I needed to have some form of exercise in my life, but what?  I joined Planet Fitness but just wasn’t drawn to it. I couldn’t make myself commit. 

Here I am years later and have found Brittaney Deitz who has given me the gift of spinning. I started spinning in 2015. I remember driving by a studio and wondering about the place. One day I grabbed a friend and we joined. The start was slow. I struggled to make the class times with my crazy schedule. I even took a few months off because I didn’t want to pay for something that I wasn’t using. But I knew I had to go back. I wanted to. I was loving the infectious energy and the music. I finally got myself into a routine, booked my classes and committed. 

And then Covid! Before quarantine became the new normal I was attending 4 to 5 classes a week. Never in my life could I have imagined missing something so much. From working out so often to doing nothing all in the blink of an eye. I joined Britt’s Virtual Fitness and Spin Classes Facebook group page when I didn’t even have a bike.  I watched as everyone relished all the good that Britt was bringing to their lives.  And still, all I could think was how I wasn’t going to be the girl who bought an expensive piece of workout equipment to just let it collect dust. I just couldn’t see myself working out at home. I decided I would get through the pandemic walking my puppy. It would be good for both of us. Months passed and I was able to go back to the spin studio but it was only temporary.

And then one day my boyfriend said to me, “I’m going to get you a spin bike for your birthday.” It’s like he knew what I was missing. He knew how much I loved to spin. I talked to Britt and Justin and they gave me some ideas on different bikes. My boyfriend really put all the time and effort into the research and he found a bike in Connecticut. It was the same bike I rode on in the studio. I told him it was too much. I didn’t need a bike that was so expensive, to which he replied, “if you wanna be the best, you gotta have the best!” Can’t argue with that. And I might add – best gift ever!!!

And here I am now. I no longer have a crazy work schedule. I have a new job that I absolutely adore (still in the operating room) and I work out almost every single day from the convenience of my own home. I no longer have to race to a studio to get the bike I like or worry about a cancellation fee. I don’t get up in the wee hours of the morning wondering if class will be cancelled because mother nature didn’t cooperate overnight. There truly are – no excuses! Who am I kidding? I still get up very early, I just don’t have to leave my house.

Brittaney has given me a gift that I will forever cherish. She has given me time to focus on me! She has made me laugh a hundred times over at her banter with the community she has created. The small details she remembers about everyone gives you a sense of belonging. She has given her love of fitness to all of us and because of that I have been able to commit to a solid workout program. She has instilled healthier eating habits in me and because of her I haven’t drank a single drop of coffee or soda in 15 months. She has thrown me under the bus (but in a good way as she knew I really wanted to weave the body classes into my routine) and introduced me to an incredible group of women, #strongertogether, that I am so thankful for. My day starts with them as we get on the bike together in the morning and ends with them as we make our plan for the next day’s classes. I find myself checking in with my new found group as if we were lifelong friends. 

Britt Deitz Fitness came upon me at just the right time. Cheers to Brittaney and Justin and the community they have built by giving of themselves to make all of us better. They truly deserve the best in life and for them I will be forever grateful.”

Ramya, age 42 

📍Edison, NJ

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since November 2020

“I always wanted to do exercise to look good, but didn’t know where to start. Lakshmi suggested I start with Britt’s trial class for spinning which I delayed by a couple of months.  I finally started on November 22, 2020 and the rest is history.  Today (April 27) I completed my 150th spin class with Britt and I lost 31lbs after joining. I used to find any reason to excuse myself from not doing exercise before joining Britt. And now I make sure nothing will interfere or get in my way of spinning with Brittaney.  Her smiling face and positive cheerful nature are addictive and contagious.”

Samantha, age 30

📍Saratoga, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since January 2021

“I don’t even know where to start! I began spinning with Britt in January of 2021 after months of watching all of my girlfriends ride and speak so highly of the classes. I was so hesitant at first, and I was super intimidated, but now I am hooked! I’m just a couple of months into this and I’ve seen some awesome changes, not only physically but mentally! Britt brings the energy and the drive to each and every ride! So grateful for the community and support that comes along with joining. There aren’t enough good things I can say!

After 2 babies, a pandemic, depression and anxiety, I was eager to get back to some type of normalcy. Britt has helped me find a routine that works for me and for my family. I’m learning to love myself again for who I am and what I look like. I’m so surprised and damn proud of myself for all of the hard work I’ve put in. I’m learning to live a healthier life. I can’t thank Brittaney enough for changing my life; I’ve been feeling better than ever! My kids need a healthy mama to keep up with them and their shenanigans! Thankful for this group and community.❤️”

Sheryl, age 45

📍Ballston Lake, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I am not exactly sure when I first met Britt but share her positive energy and enthusiasm for life and living in the present.  I started virtual classes on my road bike during Covid “shut down” and soon thereafter was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I continued to stay in the background during surgeries and treatments, watching the community grow, and excited for Britt and Justin for what they were creating.  My mission has always been to inspire others to be the best version of themselves through yoga, mediation, and mentoring.  I felt an immediate connection with Britt as her energy and passion aligns with my mission.  I love working out and have completed numerous half marathons, century rides and literally have thousands of miles on my bike.  I wholeheartedly supported creating an on-line business during a pandemic as a means to keep people connected, moving, healthy and giving individuals options for working out (especially since gyms and yoga studios were closed), and knew I was definitely along for the ride.  

Fast forward to a year later, a much slower pace and more present than ever, I sold my house of 25 years, moved to a new town, closed a yoga studio I poured passion into over the last two years, and continuously embrace change.  It’s been a whirlwind!  I’m finding my feet, feel strong, healthy and most of all happy in my body, scars and all!  I am grateful to have met and shared classes with so many amazing humans!  Continue to put yourself first, practice self-care and stay curious and open to what’s next!  You are much stronger than you think and as Britt texted me “the comeback is always greater than the setback”!  Thank you Britt and Justin for your inspiration and all you do for our community!  I almost feel like a dance party is in order!”

Staci, age 48 

📍Saratoga, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I am a mother of 3 – two teens and an adult, gulp…!  I workout for so many reasons but more than anything I am raising humans by example.  My mom-motto when my kids are feeling blue, anxious, or depressed (let’s face it folks, most are) is this:


Eat well

Take a nap

Take a hot bath

Journal or call a friend

Work out

My fitness journey started after I had my first son.  What started as awkward learnings at local gyms and power walks that provided little results, I ended up opening my own business and ran a Curves for Women for many years.  After 2 more babies I sold the business but did not lose my love of working out. I started running and lifting weights (I fell in love with lifting).  After my father passed away a few years ago I found hot yoga.  Yoga became the only time I could quiet my mind and allow myself to just feel.  Around 2019 I started spinning with Britt and other instructors at a studio, and I was beyond grateful when Britt started doing virtual spin classes for free during the pandemic.  Those virtual spin classes became my sanity!  Last year I hired a trainer to work with me on hitting my PRs for weightlifting.  A few weeks ago, I squatted more than my body weight.  Goals!

I love these virtual spin classes so much and look I love thevirtual classes so much and look forward to when my calendar allows me to make them. The last few months have been insane with work.  The recordings are great and the energy that Britt brings to every single class is a true motivator!  Life is challenging and prioritizing fitness is HARD, however no one ever finishes a workout and says, “dang I wish I didn’t do that.”

I have awesome friends who push me to get my workouts in.  We use Britt’s social media pages to challenge each other. These posts are always a great reminder that everyone is slammed and life is nuts, but get your workouts in anyway!  Working out is about far more than just being fit!”

Gusta, age 53

📍Clifton Park, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since September 2020

“I started working out with Britt about a year ago in September. I was told about her midway through the pandemic by my doctor during my physical!

For a long time I was the person in class who would never turn on the camera.  But for Britt’s big birthday ride in January, I thought it would be fun to join the rest of this incredible community and turn the camera on that one time! Well it’s never been off since then! Being a part of this community is a game changer in so many ways. Britt’s energy, sense of humor, dance moves, and genuineness isn’t something you can just find anywhere! I love being a part of this…even if I can’t always get up dark and early!  

As a psychotherapist I am well aware of the meaningfulness of exercise as a mood enhancer.  I know it’s crucial for me and my own sanity. The difference here is that you feel connected....even through a screen.  That’s pretty special. I love that I get to start off 53 with this group... Thanks for riding with me on my birthday!”

Tina, age 40

📍Loudonville, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2021

“I was searching for a different approach to cardio for a while. Prior to COVID I was in the gym 6 days a week. I found myself really struggling trying to find my way through this pandemic, as I am sure most of us were. A really good friend of mine started spinning so I figured I liked riding a bike why not give it a shot. I signed up for my free trial class with Britt after hearing nothing but good things. My friend would tell me that Britt’s energy was contagious etc., so I had to see for myself! And man, was she right! I immediately signed up for a month and I have zero regrets! The positive vibes, laughs and dance moves are all worth it. So while I might be in my basement, I don’t feel alone, whether I am in a live class or riding with the recording! 

So grateful to have found a community that supports fitness and all aspects of health. I am truly thankful to my friend who never gave up on me no matter how many times I blew her off about trying a class. 😘 ILY.

P.S.  I feel like I should let you know.... in one of your rides last week you said, “if you want something you have to go for it!” So I did! I took a chance and went for something that I have wanted for a long time. I think it’s important that you know the wonderfully positive impact you have on people!!!! Thank you!!!!”

Tom, age 47

📍Ballston Lake by way of Queens

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“I'll start with an understatement that looks like an overstatement...Britt has changed my life. 

Exercise for me has always been more about clearing my head than staying in shape. Don't get me wrong, the physical health aspect is really important but my focus is on the mental health side. I learned this from a long time coworker that if you focus on building endorphins (cue Legally Blonde quote) the rest will take care of itself. I was a competitive swimmer in high school but was never a runner. I played soccer growing up so we did lots of running but the thought of running as a sport or for leisure just never appealed to me. Then I had four kids in seven years. I was in my early thirties with a dad-bod which coincided with changes in my health (for the worse), had a very demanding job and thought I needed to get my shit together. I started swimming again and running, and stuck with it on and off for a number of years. Then my 40's came around, knees and back started to ache and thought once again, get your shit together. 

My wife Kindra suggested spinning so I joined a few classes at the YMCA and really liked it but getting into their classes was not very user friendly. Then my wife suggested going to a spin studio, so I took a small leap and figured what the heck. My first class was one of Britt's Saturday morning classes and I was hooked. I mean it was a tad intimidating to walk into a room mostly full of women but then Britt introduced herself, helped me with some adjustments to my bike and after class asked if I was coming back. Whether I knew it or not, that was exactly the kind of personal connection I needed to keep me focused on exercising. I soon became a Britt-regular even making song requests always with the caveat that I take no offense in whether she plays the song or not because, #indeitzwetrust. Thankfully Deitzy and I have a lot of similar music tastes so my songs often made it on her playlists. 

Fast forward to the pandemic. I didn't have a spin bike when Britt started online classes. Funny side note, I sold a Peloton bike like three months before the pandemic started because I just wasn't using it...the personal connection just wasn't there plus the workouts were kind of boring. So I bought a bike and was a little concerned that I would not stick to it. Part of the reason I sold my Peloton was my perception that I was the type of person that had to get out of the house to consistently work out. Nope, it turns out I just needed the right spin instructor. 

Over the last two years my position at work has transitioned to the role of President. Accepting the position was a huge leap outside of my comfort zone that I would not have made without inspiration from others like my wife (my rock) and Britt. I saw what Britt did in starting her own business, forming her own community and doing it with energy and passion and was inspired by her. 

In my life I have never stuck with an exercise routine until I started taking Britt's classes. Her classes make me work hard, make me laugh, and make me feel good about what others in class are accomplishing in their lives. I plan my schedule around them. They reduce my stress and anxiety. As Britt likes to say, they get my mind right. I end every class with a namaste bow to show my respect for the impact she has had on my life. 

Namaste Britt...namaste!”

Katelynn age 30

📍Broadalbin, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since February 2021

“I used to be the queen of excuses - if there was even the smallest reason as to why I couldn’t workout, trust me, I used it. At the time, working out just wasn’t something I looked forward to doing and I always struggled to find motivation. I found myself unhappy and constantly feeling like I was running on an empty tank with nothing to look forward to. In January 2020, I decided that something had to change. 5:00 am became my new alarm and the first thing I started doing was moving my body - there are no excuses that early in the morning! 

Then, enter Britt and her electric and contagious personality. I quickly discovered our shared love for health, sweat and fizz (of course). And even though I had been working out consistently for a year before joining Britt’s classes, it was her classes and continuous support and encouragement that inspired me to keep going on the toughest of days. I easily started to fall in love with working out (and dancing) all over again. She is an all around beautiful soul and a role model for so many. Thank you, Britt, for helping us become better in every way, every day. 

My mindset went from “find any excuse and use it” to “there are no excuses, just do it.” And do it for YOU. Don’t look for motivation, just be disciplined. Find what works best for you and makes you happy, so you can look forward to your workouts. For me, that’s Britt, her classes & her kick-ass community.”

Liz, age 46

📍Rexford, NY

💪🏽Member of #brittdeitzfitness since April 2020

“For many years, I was a runner.  I ran many miles each day and I’ve participated in many 5ks, 10ks, Ragnar relays, 25+ half marathons, and 2 full marathons.  Running was my out; my me-time.  As I got older, my pace slowed and my love of running started to slightly diminish as I incorporated more and more strength training.  I’ve done a lot of in-studio spin classes to cross-train and work different muscles.  I tried many times to get into Britt’s in-person classes, but was always on a waitlist.  When I did get into her classes, she was full of energy, full of life.  Her legs move fast like no others (except maybe Lexi).  As the pandemic hit, my love for running became a chore with a lot of ice baths, PT, chiropractor, massage therapy appointments and terrible moods (because I hurt so much).  The world frenzy heated up, and I decided to get a Peloton.  It was expensive, but it would be something my entire family could use and my husband (Rich) could use as his hip is getting worse.  The bike showed up at my door, and I took a few Peloton classes that were not for me.  Britt started experimental virtual classes and her energy was the same as it had been in the studio.  I was hooked…running ended and Britt’s virtual classes took off!!  I’ve done well over 400 classes in the last 13 months.  Since I workout at Metabolic, I don’t take very many body classes.  They are great when I am traveling and I love the Core Express classes, which I do participate (on recording) in.  I still regularly use a chiropractor (Mike Missenis at Cerniglia Chiropractic) and massage therapy (Jen at Back in Balance Therapeutic Massage) to fix me when I hurt.  

Britt has made a community like no other.  Her energy level, commitment to fitness and nutrition, swear words, dance moves, choreography (that I can’t do) and motivation keep us coming back each class.  I’ve made so many online friends and have been able to “workout” with my sisters and friends each day.  Music is most always tolerable… I’ve had to listen to Brittney Spears and Taylor Swift, but thankfully not any Mariah Carey.  We’ve even learned some anatomy lessons from a few songs! 

A special recognition and all the hype for the one and only Justin Deitz, who has worked so hard on the cameras, lighting, sound, music; and who has to be the towel guy, the weight fetching guy, and the guy who gets up to help us even when he isn’t at his greatest!  My wish for you, Justin, is that your health improves and you can join us during classes on the bike!

As the pandemic dragged on, I was not going to let it control me.  Depression and anxiety became an everyday thing for me and for so many others.  I changed my attitude a bit to “Control What You Can Control.”  I could control when I got on my bike, when I took a walk, when I did online classes, and most importantly, what I fed myself!  I was completely focused on myself for 6 or 7 days each week.  I was able to lose 12 lbs and gain lean muscle in 2020.  Badger Strength has helped keep me and my nutrition on point and grounded. I was able to control depression and anxiety most days!  I also had to weed out some negative people in my life and keep surrounding myself with only positive things in a world of negative and crazy.  

A huge THANK YOU to all of you who show up and keep being positive!!  I’m a lucky wife to an awesome husband who works tirelessly to make the best life for us.  I’m a lucky mom of 3 and 2 of the cutest puppies!  I’m healthy, fit and ready for some summer temperatures!!”